Monday 10 February 2020

8 Sins You Commit While Watching Blue Film

We know that blue-film is an ugly and harmful sin. We know that those who indulge in sex-film have committed the sin of lust, but there is so much more to it than that. When you open your browser and begin to look at those images and videos, you are sinning in ways that go far beyond lust. Here are 8 sins you commit when you look at sex-film.

You commit the sin of idolatry. All sin is idolatry, an attempt to find joy and satisfaction not in God himself but in what God forbids (Exodus 20:3-6). Matt Papa says it well: “An idol, simply put, is anything that is more important to you than God. It is anything that has outweighed God in your life—anything that you love, trust, or obey more than God—anything that has replaced God as essential to your happiness.” You’ve committed the sin of idolatry.

You commit the sin of adultery. This is the most obvious sin you commit when you use sex-film. In Matthew 5, Jesus draws a clear connection between lust and adultery. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (27-28). Blue-film is lust and exists to foster lust. But lust is simply a form of the wider sin of adultery, the deed or desire to be sexually involved with someone other than your spouse.

You commit the sin of deceit. Deceit is the act of concealing or misrepresenting your actions. Because blue-film generates shame, you will hide it, cover it up, or refuse to confess it. When you erase your browsing history to keep your parents from finding out, when you use it in secret to keep your spouse from learning about your addiction, when you refuse to proactively confess it to an accountability partner, when you participate in the Lord’s Supper even though you are unrepentantly given over to it, you are practicing deceit. And the Bible warns of the dire consequences: “No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes” (Psalm 101:7).

You commit the sin of theft. The sex-film industry is being badly damaged by piracy, by people illegally distributing copyrighted material. Some estimates say that for every 1 video that is downloaded legally, 5 are downloaded illegally. Fully 60 percent of all illegal downloads are of sex-filmographic content. While we can be glad that the industry is in dire straits, we have no right to participate in such theft, for God says clearly, “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15). When you use sex-film, you are almost definitely watching material that has been stolen and, in that way, you are participating in its theft.

You commit the sin of greed. Sexual sin is greed, a form of taking advantage of another person to defraud them of something that is rightly theirs. In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul insists “that no one transgress and wrong his brother in this matter [of sexual sin], because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you” (6). The word translated “wrong” in this context refers to greedily taking something from someone else. It is to allow greed to motivate fraud, to unfairly and illegitimately use another person for your ignoble purposes.

You commit the sin of sloth. We are called in all of life to “redeem the time,” to understand that we live short little lives and are responsible before God to make the most of every moment (Ephesians 5:16). Sloth is laziness, an unwillingness to use time well, and reflects a willingness to use time for destructive instead of constructive purposes. In that way blue-film is slothful, a misuse of time. It is using precious moments, hours, and days to harm others instead of help them, to foster sin instead of kill sin, to backslide instead of grow, to pursue an idol instead of the living God.

You commit the sin of sexual assault. A person who drives a getaway car for a band of bank robbers will rightly be charged with murder for anyone who is killed in committing that crime. And a nauseating quantity of blue-film is violent in nature, displaying men taking advantage of women. Sometimes these women have volunteered for such degradation and sometimes they are forced or raped into it. To watch such horrifying smut is to be a participant in it and to bear the moral blemish of it.

You commit the sin of ignoring the Holy Spirit. As a Christian, you have the tremendous honor and advantage of being indwelled by the Holy Spirit. One of the ways the Spirit ministers to you is in giving you an internal warning against sin. Paul assures that the Spirit warns against sexual sin in particular, then provides a stern caution: “Therefore whoever disregards this [warning], disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you” (1 Thessalonians 4:8). To commit sexual sin is to ignore the Holy Spirit, to actively suppress his voice as he warns that you need not and should not commit this sin. He provides everything necessary to resist this temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). To resist the Spirit and ignore his ministry to you is a serious offense against a holy God.

It is sinful to lust after another person and to enable this lust through blue-film. Yet the sin bound up in sex-film goes far deeper than mere lust. It extends to idolatry, adultery, deceit, theft, greed, sloth, sexual violence, and ignoring the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:12 warns: “So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.” Thankfully, what God demands God provides, and he does so through the gospel. Those who have trusted Jesus Christ can have confidence that Christ has satisfied our account, that he has satisfied God’s wrath against our sin, that he has provided us with his own righteousness. Yet we must also know that he has done this not so we can remain in our sin, but that we can “put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24).

Please share this post so that others can benefit. Watchout for my subsequent post on how to quit watching blue-film and masturbation.

Do They Know We Are Suffering?


“Your leaders have no respect for their people. They believe that their personal interests are the interests of the people. They take people’s resources and turn them into personal wealth. There is a level of poverty in Nigeria that should be unacceptable.”
-Nelson Mandela

The statistics are simply scary. One is talking about the inexcusable social inequality and injustice in Nigeria, characterised by the pervasive poverty level, the irredeemably corrupt, conscienceless, kleptomaniac ruling elite; blindly driven by the greed for personal gains and of course, the grinding wheels of the acquiescent and ignorant led majority.

Looked at from the Human Development Index, which is a summary measure for assessing long-term progress in the three basic dimensions of human development, there is nothing to write home about. The three key areas of long-term healthy life, access to knowledge and decent standard of living paint a parlous picture of pure deprivation of the long-suffering masses. That is, by their so-called leaders, and painfully too, under a democratic dispensation.

For instance, Nigeria’s HDI for 2014 stood at 0.514, putting the country amongst the lowest global rankings of those in the low developing category. In fact, Nigeria placed 152 out of the 188 countries and territories so assessed. And it was the only oil-producing country languishing in that shameful socio-economic stratum. Also, according to the 2015 HD Report Work for Human Development for 188 countries assessed by the United Nations, life expectancy index was 0.44, education index was 0.59 while the GDP index and HDI value were placed at 0.36 and0.466 respectively.

Furthermore, between 2005 and 2014 Nigeria’s HDI value rose from 0.467 to 0.514(10.1 per cent), an average of 1.07 per cent. When the value is discounted for inequality, the HDI falls to 0.320, a loss of 37.8 per cent due to inequality in the distribution of HDI dimension indices. Sadly, Nigeria’s sordid social inequality was comparable to that of Ethiopia and Congo at 29.4 per cent and 36.2 per cent respectively.

Do not be confounded by these figures. What all these translate to is that there is HUNGER IN THE LAND. Incidentally, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo not too long ago admitted that about 110 million Nigerians were still living below poverty line despite the policies of past governments to improve their welfare. His reason was that the policies were wrongly formulated and as a result did not have any direct impact on the people.
 Said he: “When you look at the economic and social policies, and you look at the level of illiteracy in parts of the country, some are extremely bad and some with cases of about 80 per cent or 90 per cent of children out of school, and other cases of unimaginable decayed infrastructure.” According to him, “governments have not been accountable to the people, otherwise policies should have roots in the real conditions of the people.”
He aired his view during a courtesy visit by members of the Alumni Association of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, at the State House, Abuja. But Nigerians want their leaders to walk the talk.

Between May and July, 2016 inflation rate galloped from 13.7 per cent to 15.6 per cent. Compared to that of South Africa of 6.3 per cent, Republic of Niger of 2.3 per cent, Zimbabwe of -1 per cent and Mali of -0.4 per cent, there is nothing to cheer about. And all that is because the dynamics of consumables and essential needs such as food, kerosene, transport, housing and utilities. The reason is the close correlation which exists between fuel hike and inflation. Nigerians may have endured it all in their characteristic legendary resilience but the sudden hike in fuel price from about N97 to N145 per litre has had deleterious effects on the quality of life of the average Nigerian. As it happened in Venezuela, so it did in Nigeria.

One had expected that the political leadership of the current administration would concentrate much more energy on re-jigging the economy coming at a time of the free fall of oil prices in the international market. We had admonished Mr. President back in 2015 to assemble a team of top technocrats and seasoned economists, who know their onions, irrespective of their political or religious persuasions and be ready to listen to them. But that was never done.
As usual, the tightening of monetary policies has led to devaluation of the naira. Since we do not produce or export much of homegrown products, importers would spend more naira to the dollar. With insurgency in the North-East, which has led to food shortages in addition to hike in the price of farm produce, a recycling of economic policies will not get us out of the wood. Our policymakers should think out of the box. We need foreign exchange for industrialisation. We should stop transferring our economic fortunes to foreign hands. We need to revisit the policy of liberalisation and the social benefits of privatisation.
And of greater significance is the need to critically address the obscenely high cost of accessing political power as well as running the machinery of government. The governors and the legislators should come to terms with the harsh economic realities and tread the path of frugality as President Muhammadu Buhari has amply demonstrated so as to become true servant leaders as the late President Umaru Yar’Ardua advocated. With another steamy soap opera of the alleged budget padding fiasco playing itself out at the House of Representatives, while the Sarakigate is still rolling, it is obvious, as one has identified back in 2001, that here in Nigeria, corruption has many colours. It does not belong to any political party, ethnic group or religious belief.

Our political leaders should therefore, reflect on the wise counsel of the Nigeria Democratic Liberty Forum, New York (June, 2010) :
“While other nations are faced with the challenges of the 21st Century, we are bogged down by the avarice of the elite. Every time we believe we have seen the worst from our country, the shameless, opportunistic power grabbers take us back to a new low.”

10 Things You Shouldn't tell Anyone About Your Self

 In a relationship, whether married or still in courtship, there are things you should not tell another person. You never know who will be the Judas over your relationship. There are high secrets you have to keep only to yourself.

1. Don't tell anybody how weak your partner is. Someone may use it against you/them.

2. Don't tell people how much you quarrel with your partner, make them see it as perfect from outside while you settle issues from inside.

3. Don't tell even a best friend how much you get as pocket allowance from your husband, if they ask tell them that he's giving more than you expected.

4. Men don't tell your friends how good your wife is in bed, that's a secret between you and your wife.

5. Don't ever tell your mother the way he or she is acting in the marriage, you won't like the outcome if she's a jealous Mother in law.

6. Ladies, a friend may be eyeing your hubby and that's why you shouldn't tell them what moves him most.

7. Even your pastor is not worthy to know how many times you quarrel with your husband, most of them will use it as sermon. Just talk to Jesus alone, the author and the finisher of our faith

8. Don't tell the children that their father/mother is a bad person. It can make them hate them.

9. Don't tell anybody your partner's past mistakes, it is too risky for your marriage.

10. Don't tell anyone to try seducing your partner to prove their loyalty. They may end up winning their love.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Warning To Men! This 3 Things Kill Your Strength To Perform

Here are 3 tips that can help you get better erections, last longer during s*x with your

woman and also ensure a healthy and strong pen!s that will satisfy your woman…

Before I go into the 3 tips I must tell you the truth. When a man suffers from s*xual

problems like – Weak erect!ons, premature ejaculation, Low s*xual energy etc, these

problems are USUALLY caused by the following:

1.Poor diet and lack of exercise.

2.Stress and psychological problem

3.Excessive masturbati0n and porn0graphy.

there are some things you must avoid to make it work for you.

Now that you know the causes, here are the things you must avoid to make the tips am going to give u to work for you. need to stop masturbati0n, because too much masturbati0n weakens your manho0d and programs your body system to release sperm! quickly for this short time pleasure.

2. Avoid watching too much p0rn and avoid too much masturbati0n. It kills your erecti0n, Simple!

3. you need to avoid too much alcoh0l consumption before s*x. It's among those things killing your erecti0n as well.

4. cut down on eating too much red meat.

And here are 3 things to do to help boost your erecti0n starting from today.:

1) Add More Fruits And Vegetables To Your Diet; Most men ignore this because of the fast-paced cities that we live in. But the truth is, eating more vegetables and fruits help to renew your body system. It also makes your erecti0n stronger and will increase blood flow to the pen!s naturally.Try to eat much of vegetable meals like bitterleaf soup, vegetable soup,efo riro, egusi soup etc.

Also eat more fruits like watermelon, apples, pineapples, grapes, oranges, avocados,bananas etc. water in these fruits helps boost your s*x drive and you will be able to maintain a better and a harder erecti0n.

2) Do Simple 15minutes Exercises 3 times weekly; Most men do not like this but truth is,simple exercises will help you get stronger erecti0ns naturally.

I understand the city life, go to work very early in the morning and return at night driving to and from in a factory-fitted air conditioned car. But once in a while, try to make out time for simple 15minutes exercises like squat, bench presses, skipping, jogging etc.

These exercises are easy to do, and they give you a stronger heart that enhances your erecti0ns.

3) Use Health Supplements That Boost Your Testerone; One of the natural ways you can quickly start getting better erecti0ns is by using supplements that boost testerone in men. Increased testerone will lead to higher s*x drive, improved energy, alpha male features, and more frequent erections.

You see,another thing increased testerone does for you is to increase your manho0d size and make it look bigger and matured like that of a real man.

Saturday 12 January 2019

Six Smart Ways To Make Your Money Work For You In 2019

Ñ2019 is here and if we are to take a guess about the thing that you most likely want, it would be for you to make more money to sort out your financial obligations. If we got the answer right, here are five smart ways through which you can make your money work for you.

Curb your impulses

Learn to just chill when you get excited about “stuff.” That 10,000 Naira dress looks great, but will you wear it enough? Settle yourself before you spend. When you make choices, think long-term, instead of instant gratification.

Re-vamp your resume

With unemployment on the increase, the job market is hot. So if you’ve been waiting to switch jobs, now may be the time. Prepare your resume to highlight all the new skills and responsibilities you’ve amassed. If your skills need updating, invest in yourself by attending seminars and classes, better still, see if you can get your current employer to pay for them.

Set yourself up for a promotion

The likelihood of getting a pay raise is leaning in your favour. Be direct with your request and researched in your back up providing why you deserve the pay raise and the increase you would expect.

Drink less alcohol outside of the house

Alcohol can drain your finances a lot. A glass of wine at a restaurant isn’t bad, but if your average drink costs 2,000 Naira and you go out twice a week, you’re spending 16,000 Naira per month on alcoholic drinks.
Instead of meeting friends at a bar, invite them to your house to cut back on restaurant costs. Cutting down on booze is also good for your health and you might even lose weight.

Cut back subscription costs and monthly bills

Are you still paying for that cable television subscription that you hardly ever watch? Cancel it. Think about real-life membership costs, too. Have you been to your gym lately? If not, try going for a walk or working out at home to save you money on products you weren’t even using.

Download the App

There are nemerous money management apps than you can count—and some will save you big bucks. Consider Clarity Money, Earny or RX Saver. With Earny, you get automatic refunds when the price drops on things you already bought.
Clarity Money’s in-app savings account can help users save towards specific goals like a wedding or bucket list trip.

Friday 11 January 2019

5 Things A Woman Would Do Only If She Truly Loves You

The tips below will get you far enough into a woman's mind and how it operates.

Although the list is inconclusive [no list is actually ever that accurate], these will provide enough info for starters on the subject.

1. Reveals secrets to you

If she trusts you with that kind of information, it means she’s serious about keeping you in her life–for a long time.

2. Hardcore flirts with you

If she’s going the extra mile to be being touchy feely, she has a serious crush on you. She actually isn’t playing around.

Or she could just be horny.

3. Indulges your excesses

If she likes you, then she’ll let you get away with a lot more than you should.

Things that other men [and even her own friends] will never get away with, she'll permit them if it's you doing them.

This is not an excuse to intentionally maltreat women.

But, if by chance, you are yet to really get your act right, and a woman repeatedly lets you go scot free, best believe she really likes you.

4. Pays a lot of attention to your needs

Women in love are givers. It is one of the ways to know if she’s in love with you. Whether it’s her attention, gifts, care, food, or affection, she’ll want to lavish something on you.

It’s one of the many ways to know that she’s in love with you. But do not also forget that she may just be generally nice to everyone.

How to know that you are special is to gauge the percentage of the things she gives to other people and the one she gives you. If she’s doing more of these things for you than for others, you may be onto a woman who really, truly has hots for you.

5. She smiles a lot with you

A woman who is in love with a man would laugh a lot around him or at least smile a lot.

It is because she enjoys the time and enjoys his company. The happiness on her face is yet another one of the best indications for a man to know whether the woman is deeply in love with him or not.

On the other hand, you could just be a clown who knows how to make people laugh.

5 Things A Man Would Do If Truly He Only Loves You

The following will tell you what a man will do when he is truly in love with a woman

1. Listens

Players often fail at this. They listen up to a point just to get the sex going since that’s all they’re after anyway.

If he likes you, he’ll listen, and even prod you to hear the contents of your mind. He pays keen attention to you and remembers details of conversations had.

Maybe not all though, but hey, he remembers a lot.

2. Takes your advice

Certain men will go out of their way to avoid your advice, especially if you’re always volunteering information and telling him why he’s mistaken. Many guys tend to resent a woman telling them what to do.

If he sets his ego aside every time you offer advice, and even puts decisions on hold to hear your opinion every time, it could be that he really likes you.

3. Doesn’t hit and run

Yeah, he'll want to have sex with you at some point [pre or post wedding] but it’s not just about the sex. So he won’t ghost on you after getting it. He wants to be committed to you.

4. Those inconveniences say something

If he’s enduring inconveniences, making sacrifices, shifting his ground to accommodate you and conceding compromises, it could be yet another sign that he likes you and wants something more than hanging out, chilling and catching temporary thrill.

5. Spends time with you

Not in the sense of being with you for 24 hours or wanting to be near you all the time but if he likes you, spending time with you will be one of the things he looks forward to all the time.

Thanks and happy reading