Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Catch Yourself Complaining ? 7 Ways To Shut It Down Now

Wondering how you can stop yourself from moaning or complaining about things before you even begin? Put an end to complaining with these 7 techniques below. Find the inspiring things in life that may come from a dark point yet in the end you learn how to be positive from. Find out why complaining is simply just not for you.

1. Know The Warning Signs

Know when you are about to start complaining, figure out why and tell yourself to move on from there. By knowing when you feel like you are complaining or when you may begin, you keep yourself from indulging deeply into it. In other words, stop it before it begins.

2. Think Of The Good Aspects Of The Situation

Learn to see what the good in situations and to stop focusing on the bad things that make you complain. In everything there is something we can at least learn from. Why not make that choice to figure out what it is and change the way you think for a better experience and the betterment of yourself. No need to complain about everything. Life cannot be that bad!

3. Be Mindful And Aware

Be mindful of everything and everyone and be aware. Try and think sensibly and consciously understand your surroundings without being so quick to jump to conclusions and judgements. By asserting that you will mindfully go into any situation you are faced with you can end that urge to complain and change your perspective while you are at it.

4. Stop Judging So Much

Why so critical? Learn to stop judging so much especially when you find yourself nagging others about small issues. Ever about the effects your judgment might have on others around? Value others feelings and learn when to keep your thoughts to yourself.

5. Look Forward And Stay Positive

Consider your wellbeing and keep heading forward with a positive perspective. Complaining only takes time away from developing a positive life and maintaining positive attitudes.

When you have an urge to complain, consider the effects it has, whether big or small and make a choice to gather all that inner positive energy to keep you feeling good throughout the day no matter what. Be direct, shine and be positive and happy. Carry a smile with you at all times!

6. Learn To Adapt And Welcome Change

Learn to adapt in the face of change. Life is full of changes so be prepared to take them head on. Explore them, learn, and become wise. Complaining will definitely get you nowhere. Instead welcome life’s challenges, see it as an adventure. Adapt and make use of every situation you find yourself in.

7. Be Content

And of course, learn to be content with what you have at present. By being content, you push away the urge to complain. You find the happiness you need- too fulfilled to even think about whining. No dissatisfaction here! Only good-natured pleasure as you find comfort in the beautiful aspects of life that keep you at ease throughout your days.

Whether you complain about the smaller or bigger things in life, consider living complaint free and keep your spirit at ease.

Do you know a constant complainer? We’d love to hear about them! Please share your story below.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

21 Worst Reasons You Are Not Living Up To Your Full Potential

Wondering why you are not living up to your full potential like you wish you could? Sometimes it goes beyond what others think and actually has a lot to do with how we view ourselves. Here are 21 worst reasons you are not living up to your full potential. Recognize the signs and get up and start heading in a direction that benefits you. You will surely find some of those signs and ‘first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.’

1. You Are Living In Fear

Whether it is fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, fear of reprisal or anything else, being afraid can keep us from fully reaching our potential. Take a moment to think, what are you actually afraid of?

2. Low Self Confidence

Or maybe you are experiencing low self-confidence which can keep us from achieving anything. Find pride in your abilities and if you need to work on something about yourself, do so

3. Not Enough Push, Drive And Motivation

Sometimes not having any drive and the right kind of push to get us up and going can affect how we set about going for gold. Find something that motivates you and remind yourself of it daily.

4. A Lack Of Encouragement From People You Love The Most

Maybe you are experiencing a lack of encouragement from people you love the most and this may come across as if they do not care. Let others know that you could use some positivity. Keep in mind that often we are faced with seemingly solitude on our journeys throughout life so try and stay strong and encourage yourself when you have too.

5. Procrastination

Procrastination is never a friend. Kick it in the butt and get to work.

6. Undeserving Attitude

Who determines whether you deserve something more than you yourself? Build the confidence you need and know that you deserve much in life just like anyone else.

7. Inferiority Complex

Often comparing ourselves and what we want to see in our own lives to others can have us feeling all kinds of lows. Feeling inferior only comes about when we compare ourselves to others and make them appear- within our own heads- as more superior. Learn to appreciate who you are and what you can achieve. All the stuff people are doing is outside stuff. Let it go so you can progress.

8. You Do Not Know How To Start

Just start. Do not know where? Draw up a plan if you have too but along the way you will experience things that you learn from and eventually this will get you on the path you know you need to be.

9. You Have No Way To Measure Your Goals

Write them down and keep them somewhere safe like in a journal or a piece of paper you keep in your wallet to look at everything you need encouragement. Do not measure your goals against others, rather measure them against your achievements and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

10. You Do Not Understand Your Purpose

Maybe you do not understand your purpose. Well understand this; We all have a purpose whether we have yet to figure it out or have already found it. Keep on going, figuring out your purpose often comes with time and experience.

11. You Are Comfortable Where You Are

Sometimes being comfortable where you are can mean deciding not to continue any further whether you want to or not. Consider all pros and cons and think “will my decision to stay where I am today limit me in the future?”

12. Too Much Focus On The Past

Why bring up the past if it has cannot be a positive example for the present? Focus your attention on perhaps starting over again and breathe a sigh of relief that the past does not have to be a part of your journey unless you want it too.

13. Not Allowing Yourself To Laugh

Laugh sometimes. Smile. Life cannot be that bad. Humor brings us closer to action because the more positive and optimistically happy we feel the better chance we have at reaching success.

14. You Do Not Know How To Say No

Learn to say “no” sometimes. You cannot carry the world on your shoulders so when the stress is too great and you start neglecting yourself, learn to tell others “no” so you can take care.

15. You Do Not Know How To Say Yes To Yourself

Or maybe you do not know how to say “yes” to yourself. You say “yes” to everyone else and “no” to yourself. While some religions teach that this is the way life should be, why destruct yourself for the pleasure of others? You too were “created” to live in this world so allow yourself to do so.

16. You Have No Trust

Maybe you do not trust yourself to go far or you do not trust others to support you when you feel down. Learn to trust but also learn to be mindful and aware so you know who you can trust and those you may not be able too.

17. There is Pain Somewhere In Your Life Holding You Back

Pain can keep us from striving for the best. If you are feeling sorrow, try and understand where it is coming from and work on feeling good again.

18. You Are Taking Giant Leaps When You Could Take Baby Steps

Sometimes smaller steps are even greater than giant leaps because then we can focus more on detail. Even small steps are accomplishments. Not everything has to be big in order to really mean something.

19. You Feel Lost

Perhaps you feel lost all around like there is nothing you can do because you have no idea where you are to begin with. Have no fear in possibly starting fresh and new or take some time to sit and evaluate your life so you understand it and know how to deal with the coming changes.

20. You Have No Self Control

What does it mean to have self-control? Self-control simply means being able to regulate what happens in your life, being aware and understanding your experiences while also saying “no” to things that may not be the best for you. Learn to have self-control and reach your full potential.

21. Why Should You If No One Acknowledges It

Lastly but not least, maybe you believe that no one will acknowledge that you are living at your full potential. While it may appear that way, trust me when I say this, people do notice but unfortunately we do live in a world where people are highly competitive and sometimes love to “hate.” As long as you keep your head up and improve your life for the betterment of your overall self that is all that matters. You acknowledge it, you celebrate and take joy and that is all that matters in the end.

So whether we are living in fear, feeling inferior, lazy, or just plain comfortable already in where we are at, these 21 reasons why you are not living up to your full potential can be a significant headache. Learn to get around them and find out how you can accomplish more starting today and heading into a long and great future.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Are You A Good Brand To Date ?

Entering the dating world again, I cannot help but notice how similar dating is to engaging with a brand on social media. After all, let’s face it, most of us probably spend more time on social media than paying attention to some of our dates. So I’ve created a little test for you to see if your brand is a first class date, or a dud that leaves the consumer moving on to their next date.

#1- Does your brand open the doors for your consumers?

My mom judged my college boyfriend on the fact that he DID NOT open the door for me when I went up to Jupiter, FL to have dinner with her. Let me tell you something, there was never a door that boy did not open for me after my mom had a few choice words with him. Ever since, that’s been one of my first indications when going on a date with someone new. Let’s just say that the non-door openers don’t make it quite as far.

The same goes for your brand. Consumers shouldn’t have to spend hours searching for your Twitter handle or your Facebook URL. If you want your fans to engage, open the doors for them! Add your social media logos and links to every piece of outgoing collateral, whether it be an email signature or a business card.

#2- Does your brand make good dinner conversation?

No one likes a silent date. I mean, if getting a word out of my date is like pulling teeth, I am already onto the next one. The same goes for brands. If your brand is silent, not answering the questions coming at it from all social networks, then your consumers will move onto the brand who is on social, answering those questions.

However, no one likes an overly-chatty date that talks about no one but himself, either. Arrogance is my number one turn-off on a date, and hence, in a brand. Don’t enter the social space with a one-way conversation. Look for ways that you can engage with your consumers, asking them questions about their own experiences, so they feel included in your brand’s voice.

#3- Does your brand call the next day?

I know, I know there is some three-day rule out there. Fortunately, I am the girl, and have never had to count to three. Honestly, with the emergence of the speed of social media, I actually find that I’ve moved on if the person has waited three days. I am onto a different conversation by then.

The same goes for brands– that three day rule is no longer relevant. While you once had days to respond to written letters and emails, now consumers expect that highly visible FB message and/or Tweet to be answered ASAP.

They also expect follow-up. Absolutely wow your consumers by checking in after their first “date” with you and making sure that their experience was positive with your brand on social media. Don’t let the conversation end after the first date.

If you answered ‘yes’ to all of the above questions, congrats on being a highly datable brand! If you answered ‘no’, there is still time to become a better date in the social media world. Just think of your brand as someone you would like to spend a lot of time with. Would you like to spend a lot of time with someone who is arrogant and doesn’t follow-up with you? Or would you like to spend time with someone who lets you talk about yourself every now and then, and makes sure that the conversation continues after the first date?