Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Safe Remedies to Whiten Teeth in Just 7 Days

Having a bright, clean smile can make you look more appealing, while boosting your confidence. But what’s more important is that clean teeth can also keep your mouth healthy and helps to avoid diseases and infections.

To achieve a whiter smile, brushing and flossing are required. There are also some home remedies have the ability to improve your smile in just seven days:

Coconut Oil

If you haven’t heard about oil pulling, you’re missing out on a lot. Coconut oil is said to help whiten teeth by simply swishing it around the mouth. It’s not very pleasant especially for first timers, but coconut oil is effective in ridding bacteria that cause plaque and make teeth yellow – thanks to its lauric acid.

Strawberry Scrub

The berries are high in vitamin C, a nutrient that can remove plaque that causes the yellow look on teeth. Strawberries also have malic acid that can get rid of surface stains. The scrub also requires salt, which can remove stains, and baking soda (optional) for its whitening properties. Here’s what you need to do:

Take one to three large strawberries and mash them to a pulp.
Add a pinch of sea salt. If you’re going to use baking soda, add half a teaspoon of it.
Before you apply the scrub to your teeth using your toothbrush, make sure your mouth isn’t too wet.
Start brushing like you normally would and rinse after five minutes.
Do this every night for a week to see the results.

Lemon Juice Homemade Paste

Lemon juice can act as bleach that can whiten your teeth. Add baking soda to counteract the acidity of lemon. You only need these two ingredients for the homemade toothpaste. Use your toothbrush to scoop the combination. Don’t rinse for about one minute. You can do this every other night.

ACV Whitening

Apple cider vinegar can remove surface stains on your teeth. The results are not instant, but you will see the difference in about a week. Here’s what you need to do:

1:  Mix two teaspoons of ACV with baking soda.
2:  Start brushing your teeth with the paste and leave for a minute or two before you rinse.

According to statistics, about 18% of people choose to hide their teeth in photos. If you’re among this percentage and your reason is because you have stained teeth, you don’t have to add expensive treatments to your budget. The methods above will help you achieve whiter teeth and even a healthier smile in just seven days.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

7 Reasons Why Real Men Would Never Cheat

So many boys, so few real men.  By cheating on a woman, you are screwing her over for the long run – she’ll likely be unable to trust another man for years to follow. Real men don’t cheat. Here’s why:

1. Real men know what’s more important in life

The emotions, the feelings, the love, the memories, there are so many things that matter in life and are important. Real men know the importance of these things and know that staying loyal with their partners is more important than to go look for other people to have flings with. We are emotional, we cry, we laugh, we don’t have any ulterior motives in our minds, we just want to enjoy our lives with the people we love.

2. Real men have the power to break up

One of the reasons why people cheat is when they aren’t happy with their partners and they want to see other people. And most of the time, they are too scared to break up. This is what real men don’t do, real men know when it’s time to break up with someone when things aren’t going well. They know that it’s much better to leave someone than to cheat on them or to lie to them, it’s another way of showing them respect by being completely honest with them.

3. Real men can’t juggle

I’ve seen a lot of guys who juggle two women at once, I don’t get how they do it. It’s emotionally impossible for me to imagine being with two girls at once, to be with two women and keep them in the dark. How can people play with someone’s feelings like that? To make each partner think they truly love them while telling the other partner the very same thing? This is something real men can’t do, they just can’t and won’t juggle. They’re happy with one woman who loves them.

4. Real men can’t think of hurting their partners

Like I talk in the beginning, real men respect their partners. They can never think of intentionally hurting their partners. When someone cheats, they actually break the person who was in love with them. They break every fibre of trust their partners had in them and they cause a lot of trauma. Real men can never think of making their partners go through so much negativity and darkness and can never hurt their partners by being with someone else behind their backs.

5. Real men can control themselves

Real men have enough will power to control themselves. Being a “one-woman-man” is not a thing of the past. Real men don’t have the urge to be physical with someone else because they’re happy enough with their partners. Real men know that the value of lust is not more than love and lust goes away after a while but love stays.

6. Real men don’t want to live a lie

When someone is a cheater, they tend to lie a lot. Cheaters have to think of a thousand scenarios to cover their tracks and they have to lie on a lot of occasions. Real men just don’t want to live a lie all their lives, they can’t be unjust and untrue towards their partners and they like to tell them everything. I tell my girlfriend everything about my past because I want complete transparency, and I don’t hide anything from her even if telling her something would result in a fight. It’s better to tell the truth and get what’s coming than to lie and wait for something to come when it’s too late.

7. Real men know how to respect their partners

Respect is an integral part of every relationship and it makes every relationship mature and long-lasting. Respect is what takes relationships to the next step and helps them grow. Real men know how to respect their partners, they know of the level of respect their partners deserve and they never forget it regardless of how they feel. Real men give a lot of importance to respect and this is one of the reasons why they never cheat, they just cannot disrespect their partners.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Mindfulness: 11 Powerful New Scientific Studies Show It Brings Happiness Into Your Life

Mindfulness is something we’re hearing a lot about these days. It’s a way of focusing non-judgmentally on the here-and-now, without letting your mind wander into the past or future. Supposedly, it’s a way to bring more health and joy into your life. But is the hype true? Can mindfulness make you happier?

1. Mindfulness Helps You Stay In The Moment

Researcher Matt Killingsworth of Harvard was driven to put mindfulness to the test. After all, mindfulness is all about staying in the present moment and not judging it. But a lot of times, in the here-and-now, we’d rather be doing other things!

Let’s say that you’re sitting in traffic – and it’s rough. Surely you’d rather be parasailing on the beach, so wouldn’t daydreaming about your favorite sport, taking your mind away from the traffic, have a positive effect on your commute?

  Killingsworth was so curious about this issue that he built app that would answer that question!

Placing the app in the hands of 15,000 people all over the world, people with a wide variety of ages, beliefs, and jobs, Killingsworth programmed the app to buzz people at random times of day and ask these questions: (1) what they are doing, (2) are they enjoying it, and (3) were their minds were wandering while they did it?

For those whose minds were wandering (about 47%), the app then asked them what they were thinking about and what their happiness level was.

The amazing findings showed that the people who were focused on what they were doing – EVEN IF THEY DIDN’T LIKE IT – were happier than the people whose minds were wandering.

Humans are happiest when we stay in the moment, and that’s what mindfulness is all about.
Now it’s documented.

Even if your mind wanders to a better place, you’re more likely to be happy if you stay in the moment, and that’s what mindfulness is all about.

Here’s my take on mindfulness, married to Killingsworth’s data: The big difference that mindfulness can make is that it teaches you to stop wasting your energy judging the situation as good or bad. You’re in the moment, you’re doing whatever you’re doing, and there is no sense getting riled up about it. The only person you’re hurting with the drama is – yourself.

So, at least for the 15,000 people who took this test, it’s safe to say that if they practiced mindfulness, they’d be happier. We’ve got the data.

You can watch Killingsworth explain his process and results in his TEDxTalk, here:

2. Mindfulness Helps You Tap Into Joy And Wonder

Why do we want that big house, nice clothes, exotic vacation, or whatever else we dream of? Because we think it will make us happy. Melli O’Brien (also known as Mrs. Mindfulness) claims that she learned mindfulness in the real world, without any religious affiliation attached to it, and that mindfulness helps you tap into the joy and wonder that you long for, even before you get the big house, nice clothes, and exotic vacation.

Mindfulness helps you tap into the joy and wonder that you long for. Click To Tweet
In her blog post entitled, “New Research Shows that Mindfulness is the Secret to happiness,” O’Brien shared several studies about mindfulness.

Besides pointing to the Killingsworth study, she reveals two other critical works that back up the idea that happiness comes from within, not from money, external conditions, or even what you’re doing at the moment.

When people have enough money to get their basics taken care of, money won’t make them happier. You can view the results of that study here.

Dr. Mihaly Chentmihalyi coined the word “flow” to mean that peak state of human existence when everything’s working. In this state, life seems to work better and circumstances seem to support you rather than get in your way. You can see him speak of it here:

Check out the complete blog post of Mrs. Mindfulness on these three concepts here.

3. Mindfulness Has Brain-Based Benefits

David Rock, Doctor of Professional Studies and author of Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long, insists that the concept of mindfulness could help a lot more people if we talk about it without its religious roots in ancient Buddhism.

That’s because it’s easier to explain brain-based benefits to a Westerner than trying to tackle a religious question that can throw up barriers to listening. (And, yes, those barriers are part of normal brain functioning, too.) He explains this in an article at Psychology Today.

Besides, you don’t need to be religious, close your eyes, or focus on your breath to practice mindfulness. What’s really happening is just shifting from using one brain circuit to using another, so you become aware of what your brain is doing.

Rock, who is executive director of the NeuroLeadership Institute and CEO of the NeuroLeadership Group, makes the point that mindlessness is the root cause of many of the world’s problems; therefore, almost any discussion of social ills can come around to the antidote of mindfulness. Everyone can take time to think clearly, but it needs to be a habit.

Mindlessness is the root cause of many of the world’s problems. The antidote? Mindfulness! Click To Tweet
To really “get” the concept of mindfulness, you have to understand that there are two basic operating systems in the brain that control what your mind focuses on. One is known as the “default” or “narrative” mode.

This was documented in a 2007 study by Norman A.S. Farb, called “Attending to the Present: Mindfulness Meditation Reveals Distinct Neural Modes of Self-Reference.”

The narrative mode is easy to remember, because when you’re in this mode, it really does seem that your mind is telling you a long story, complete with characters (mostly you), events, twists of fate, and outcomes. If you’re walking down the street, your mind might wander from where you’re going, to what might happen once you get there, to something that happened ten years ago. But it’s what we call a stream of consciousness… it never stops UNLESS the other mode kicks in.

The other mode is called “direct.” That’s because there is no stream of consciousness. You are receiving sensory data and all your attention is on that, and there is no thought. Say you’re sitting in lounge chair at the beach, and a buddy comes up behind you and dumps a bucket of water on your head! Instantly, your senses send an alert to the brain, and you’re not thinking of a narrative, such as “Who did this?” You’re experiencing the water touching your skin, the smell of the salt water, and the grit of sand in the water. Your senses have taken over. You know people who had an accident and explain that “time stood still” because of the overload.

Immediately, though, you’ll go back to narrative mode (also called “default” mode). “Who did this? I know, Tom! When I catch him, I’m gonna…” You see, you immediately made a value judgment and started telling a new story.

One important note. These two modes of thinking use different hardware in different parts of the brain. The default, or narrative mode operates in the middle of the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus (memory center). The direct mode operates from the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex. (Don’t worry – you won’t be tested on that at the end of the article!)

That’s why it takes mindfulness to know which part of the brain you’re using. When you focus on one point of sensory awareness, such as watching a candle flicker, you’re consciously exercising one part of the brain that doesn’t get too much of a workout in this day and age.

You don’t want to wait until some accident or traumatic event makes time stand still. You just want to learn to switch circuits at will, even making time stand still when you’re focused on something pleasurable, like a meal you just ate or the sand between your toes. This literally causes you to develop the mental hardware that is responsible for awareness. Your senses will sharpen, you’ll notice more detail, and you’ll have better recall.

Something else to point out: if you’re a high-wired executive concerned with marketing tactics, operational systems, and the latest reports, the circuits in your brain that take care of that stuff tend to be very well developed, while the circuits with people skills might not be. So talking to you about mindfulness might have the same effect as talking to someone who speaks a different language. Literally, exercising your brain can have a neurological, physical effect.

But even if you’re a results-driven, callous individual, the benefits of clarity from mindfulness will be self-evident soon enough. Trying to convince you to take time out of your day for mindfulness practice in order to benefit a vague goal like “world peace” might not work so well. But when you know you’re exercising a part of the brain that makes you sharper, more observant, and more able to handle a multitude of problems, you’re in.

By the way, that’s why you can’t explain mindfulness to most Westerners through the imagery of Buddhist Monks. Most Westerners can’t relate to that, and their brain physiology won’t make it easy for them to try.

Imagining that you’re practicing mindfulness won’t give you the brain-based benefits of the practice. You actually have to do it. In fact, thinking of doing it only activates the same old narrative part of the brain. But when you do practice, it’s not necessary to close your eyes, breathe deeply, or light any candles.

4. Mindfulness Reduces Stress

This study by Kirk Warren Brown and Richard M. Ryan reveals how much of our daily lives are unconscious, or what they call “mindless.”

This property of being unconscious of things going on in the environment, fuzzy memories, sloppy communication, and even ignoring sensations in the body leads to misunderstandings and more conflict than necessary. It also leads to stress, because you’ll find yourself losing your keys, forgetting whether or not you passed on a message, or how much you ate. Add to that a real stressor like finding out that you’ve got cancer, and you’re in a perfect storm.

Brown and Ryan asked their participants to rate themselves on a number of questions such as, “I rush through activities without really paying attention to them,” or “I tend not to notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort until they really grab my attention.” From this list, they could evaluate how conscious the people were, and how “mindless,” or inattentive.

Obviously, this affects family relationships, performance on the job, and dealings with professionals such as tax preparers or attorneys.

The participants were dealing with cancer, and the study was meant to find out if mindfulness would reduce mood disturbance and stress in this group of people with the hopeful aim of introducing it to treatment programs at large. Over the course of the study, the patients did report an increase in mindfulness (a special technique called MBSR or Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction), and a reduction of stress and mood disturbance, even after taking impinging factors like fatigue and pain into consideration.

5. Mindfulness Improves Attention Span & Behavior

In “The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Behavioral Problems and Attentional Functioning in Adolescents with ADHD,” colleagues Eva van de Weijer-Bergsma, Anne R. Formsma, Esther I. de Bruin, and Susan M. Bogels put forth the idea that mindfulness can help families coping with ADHD.

Using ADHD students between 11-15 years old and their parents, researchers put all participants through Mindfulness Training. They also tested the students and got the parents’ parenting self-assessments before, during, and after the study.

Mindfulness improves your attention span and behavior. Click To Tweet
The results were positive: the students improved their attention span, behavior, and test scores. Fathers reduced their level of parenting stress and mothers reduced their level of overreactive parenting. (There was one downer: fathers increased their overreactive parenting.)

Eight weeks after the program ended, researchers followed up and found that the improvements were actually stronger! However, in a later follow-up, the benefits had faded out over time.

This could mean that the families were not able to keep up their mindfulness practices without ongoing support, and slipped back into their old habits.

6. Mindfulness Can Soothe Nerves & Improve Focus

By 2013, over 3,000 students in Great Britain had been taught mindfulness techniques. With high-school aged students facing the terror of placement exams, teachers were looking for an effective technique to help them relax, focus, and do their best. The result? “Beditation.”

Beditation is simply meditation done lying down. It is often coupled with “7/11” breathing: breathe in to the count of 7, breathe out to the count of 11.

Mindfulness can soothe your nerves and improve your focus. Click To Tweet
Mindfulness was pioneered in English schools by teachers Richard Burnett and Chris Cullen, who created the Mindfulness in Schools Project in 2007. Later, Teacher Dominic Morris introduced mindfulness and added beditation into his school as well. Students report positive results: better sleep and focus, better self-control at home and school, and soothing their nerves before exams and even parties.

Their head teacher, Jenny Stephen, explained that she supported them because, “Mental wellbeing is at the route of being able to achieve anything.”

7. Mindfulness Reduces Pain And Inflammation

Dr. Deepak Chopra recommends a combination of mindfulness meditation and medicinal herbs for a number of maladies, including emotional and spiritual healing, and balancing of the body, mind, and spirit.

Chopra claims that meditation can reduce inflammation and chronic pain.

Mindfulness can reduce inflammation and chronic pain. Click To Tweet
He cites a 1982 study showing that meditation helped 65% of patients suffering from chronic pain. He also claims that meditation can change the way our minds perceive pain, separating the worrisome emotional damage from the actual physical pain, making it less destructive. Chopra is in no way against conventional therapies, and suggests that the herbs and meditations should be used in conjunction with whatever treatments you and your doctor think are best for you.

8. Mindfulness Says, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”

Some suffering comes to every person on the planet, but we humans have a way of adding additional suffering by thinking about it all the time.

As the Dalai Lama suggests, don’t worry about either kind of suffering. If you can do something about your problems, do it. If you can’t, then stop worrying about it – there is nothing you can do anyway.

Mindfulness reminds us to stop worrying and be happy! Click To Tweet
Mindfulness is not about putting your head in the sand. It’s about preserving your energy for solutions, which often come in the shower or at some other unexpected moment. When you fret and worry so much about the problem, you render yourself less likely to be available to receive an opportunity when it knocks.

Although not purely science-based, the advice is logical.

9. Mindfulness Changes The Brain In 17 Ways!

Forbes writer Alice G. Walton reveals a treasure trove of studies revealing the positive effect that meditation can have on the brain.

Some of these studies are physical tests, like MRIs, and some are psychological and emotional assessments. The results are so positive that I’m beginning to think we should teach mindfulness in kindergarten!
I’m going to list a very brief summary of the various benefits and give you a link to the full article at the end.

Meditation Helps Preserve the Aging Brain – Meditating for 20 years generally means that you’ll have more grey matter in your brain in old age.

Meditation Reduces Activity in the Brain’s “Me Center” Mindfulness meditation decreases activity in the default [narrative] mode, which is responsible for the “monkey chatter” in your mind.

Rivals Antidepressants for Depression, Anxiety – Mindfulness meditation can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain.

Meditation May Lead to Volume Changes in Key Areas of the Brain – These changes in various brain centers affect your mood and wellbeing as well.

Just a Few Days of Training Improves Concentration and Attention – Testing showed that only a few weeks made an improvement in Graduate Records Examination (GRE) test scores.

Meditation Reduces Stress and Social Anxiety – Practicing calmness in a meditation exercise has a way of making your whole life calmer.

Meditation Can Help with Addiction – Because meditation fosters self-control, more and more studies are checking results.

Short Meditation Breaks Can Help Kids in School: – In San Francisco, a school district decreased suspensions and raised GPAs and attendance by starting a meditation program at high-risk schools.

Worth a Try :- For most people, the benefits far outweigh any possible side effects, the most likely being boredom!
But some people point out that meditation can have a side effect known as “dark night.” It’s rare, temporary, and avoidable if you have a good teacher. Please see the resources below for help understanding and avoiding a side effect like this.

But some people point out that meditation can have a side effect known as “dark night.” It’s rare, temporary, and avoidable if you have a good teacher. Please see the resources below for help understanding and avoiding a side effect like this.

10. Mindfulness Helps You Be YOU

Mindfulness can help close your self-discrepancy gap. What’s a “self-discrepancy gap”?

It’s the gap between the actual you and the ideal “you” that you carry around in your mind. It represents all the things that you beat yourself up for, the areas where you think you’re failing, and every flaw you think you have.

Sarah Roberts answered the question in the Berkeley Science Review by showing us these ways that mindfulness can help:

* Mindfulness is heavy on self-compassion and acceptance. Because of this, people may rate themselves a little higher in their own minds, thereby decreasing the gap.

* Because of the non-judgmental attitude of mindfulness, people may be able to conclude that some of their “ideal” goals are a little unrealistic, thus decreasing the gap.

* Because mindfulness causes us to focus more on the here-and-now, people might focus less on the construct of an “ideal self” to meet up to. While there still may be a gap, the mindfulness student is less likely to worry about it.

* Anyone can learn and practice mindfulness. It doesn’t require a degree, special religion, certain job skill, or anything else.

Can lessening your self-discrepancy gap make you happier? At the very least, it should provide some relief, and relief is a step in the right direction.

11. Mindful Meditation Can Boost Your Happiness

In this article, Stephany Tlalka points out that one of the best ways to boost happiness is to practice mindful meditation. The practice will keep you from stressing out about problems and having knee-jerk reactions to them. It can help you cut the drama out of your life, and it’s one of the best processes you can use to do that.

Tlalka suggests starting with a simple body scan meditation, in which you pay attention to your body instead of watching TV after work. The point is not to judge or worry about your body, but just to notice it.

She also got some more proven techniques from Emma Seppala, Associate Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University, who came up with 5 practices that will make you happier, proven by scientific facts:

Gratitude: Take the time to notice and give thanks for the good things you already have.

Service/Compassion: Reach out and help people or causes when you’re inspired to.

Play: Have some fun once in awhile – it’s infectious.
Don’t Chase Happiness: If you work too hard for it, it might disappear.

Meditate: Tlalka’s got a simple starting meditation built right into the original article.
You might think that compassion would make you more miserable, because you’re focused on the tragedy of others. But there is a big difference between feeling bad on behalf of someone else and reaching out to touch somebody in a positive way. Reaching out to help is also infinitely superior to feeling guilty because you did nothing .


Amazing health benefits of having one cucumber per day

There are so many benefits embedded in having a cucumber and feasting on the goodness daily. In order to learn the educational values of this vegetable, it will be good for us not to focus on the carnal use of it.

Consuming cucumber daily is healthy since it is made mostly. The low-calorie vegetable is one of the most grown vegetables in the world. There are so many health benefits accrued to eating cucumber like every other fruits and vegetables.

This vegetable with a unique taste can be combined with many meals in order to tap from the benefits. Eating cucumber daily will keep you from being dehydrated since it is made of about 95 percent of water.

One should be careful in selecting the cucumber to be eaten. Pick the ones with round edges with a colour that ranges from bright to dark green. Soft cucumbers are not as fresh as the hard ones and this may affect the quality too.

Here are some of the reasons why you should fee your body with at least one cucumber in a day:

1. Promotes skin health
Taking one or two cucumbers daily will prevent your skin from getting dried. Cucumber is made mostly of water, it also contains ascorbic and caffeic acids. These compounds prevent the body from losing water. Cucumbers contain magnesium,potassium and silicon. This is one of the reasons why they are being used in spas for treatment.

2. Helps get rid of toxins
Another reason why you should always eat cucumber is because it helps detoxify the body. The toxins in the body get flushed out when you take this vegetable regularly. It also helps to dissolve kidney stones. 

  3. Good for a healthy heart
Cucumbers contain an appreciable amount of potassium. High levels of potassium helps reduce the chances of having strokes and other heart related diseases. Eat more cucumbers to increase the potassium levels in your body. They help in regulating the blood pressure.

4. Helps get rid of hangover
Having a bad day after consuming so much booze? You can get over the hangover by taking cucumbers as they are a good cure for that. The electrolytes contained in it will revitalize your body and jolt you back to reality.
5. Helps in fighting cancer
Cucumbers contain high levels of polyphenols like lariciresinol, secoisolariciresinol and pinoresinol. These substances help in fighting cancer.

6. Good for the eyes
Placing slices of cucumber under the eyes is good for you as  they will help reduce the puffiness of the eyes and make you full of energy. It is useful in enhancing visual beauty. The vitamins contained in cucumbers will boost your immunity and keep you healthy. 

Monday, 7 November 2016

Treat and Manage Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and GERD with these All-Natural Healing Drinks

You can now get rid of GERD, acid reflux, and heartburn with these three all-natural drinks.
If you occasionally suffer fro heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD, you don’t have to use medication ever again. You can now make use of food items most commonly found in the kitchen as they can naturally cure these conditions.

We highly recommend these three natural remedies to get rid of these conditions altogether.

Basil Tea

At the onset of heartburn, simply chew washed basil leaves. You may also prepare a tea by boiling three to five basil leaves in a cup of water. You can sweeten up the tea with honey, but remember not to add milk.

Cinnamon Drink

Cinnamon is a great remedy for many digestive problems and stomach issues. Simply add a teaspoon of cinnamon in hot water. Let this boil for a few minutes and set aside to cool. Cinnamon tea should be consumed at least thrice a day for positive results.


Cloves are herbs that function to reduce the secretion of gastric acid in the stomach as well as eliminate gases. A few grains of clove is ideally chewed on daily basis. This is an effective remedy for bad breath or halitosis, especially when combined with cardamom.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

10 Signs That Tell She’s The One For You

So You’ve been going out for quite a while now and things have been going really well.

You get along well with each other despite all the differences between the two of you.

You want to make it official but there are so many things you’re uncertain about.

You’re not sure if it’s too soon or should you give it more time.

You don’t know if she is ready yet.

Most importantly, you have doubts about it working out and dread getting hurt yourself or hurting her in the process.

These fears go away when you know she’s The One. Because then you’d give everything to make it work and never back out regardless of how harsh circumstances become.

Following are a few of the many signs that assure you that she is in fact the one;

You only have eyes for her

She may seem ordinary to the whole world, but to you she is the most attractive girl you’ve ever met. You’re never distracted by any other women. Even in a room full of women, your eyes only search for your girl. You don’t feel like you’d miss out on anything even if she’s the only one you’ll ever be with.

She’s the reason behind your smile

Whenever you take a moment to think of her, even when you’re occupied, you can’t help but smile. All you can think about is how exceptionally amazing she is in so many ways, how she makes you laugh and how lucky you are to have her. And how she makes you feel special just by looking at you.

She accepts you for who you are

She embraces you, not just the good parts but the whole of you. She not only tells you that you’re perfect the way you are, but also proves it in her own way. The parts of you that you were once afraid of even showing to her are acceptable to her. Not only that, but she also helps you deal with your fears. She reassures you that all your flaws fall perfectly together to make you who you are and that they are nothing to be ashamed of.

Your Shared Interests Include More Than Hobbies

Hey, if your girlfriend likes the same TV shows, books, and movies as you, that’s awesome. However — as guys — we have to accept that not every woman is going to be as diehard of a Star Wars fan as you’re going to be. Shared life interests go far beyond mutual hobbies. Living your life in a similar fashion to someone else with similar core beliefs is huge. For instance, if she cares as much as about her family as you do, you’ll never have to be involved in a stupid fight about who goes where for the holidays. (For the record, Star Wars is still an amazing movie.)

 You Resolve Your Fights

Every couple will fight and anyone who lives differently is living in a fantasy-land that more or may not be made entirely of bubblegum and candy. You can tell you’re made for each other when fights don’t rip you both at the seams. When those little scuffles and arguments build up and get under your skin, they weigh on each partner and can eventually drive people apart. However, fixing fights and actually talking through them is a luxury a lot of people don’t consider when all keyed up and angry. When you fight, you two take a few minutes to yourself, cool off, and talk about a solution. The make up sex is a bonus. 

You Can Travel Together

Traveling with your life partner is one of the most fun ways to travel — because, let’s be real, not everyone has the capacity to aimlessly wander about Europe with a backpack and bottle of whiskey. When you travel together — and you should travel together — do your different personalities clash, or complement each other? If you’re able to go on vacations and day-trips without going insane from fighting, you’re doing something right. 

You Can Live Together

Living together under the same roof actually may be one of the biggest struggles in a relationship. If the act of moving in together doesn’t drive you crazy, figuring out how to get over the bliss that is living by yourself and eating fried chicken in bed until 3 a.m. will really show you what you’re capable of as a human being. It’s no easy task by any means, but if you talk about the decision beforehand, manage your expectations, and come to terms with the reality that you’ll hear each other pooping, moving with your girlfriend becomes way less daunting.

She gives you space

She doesn’t make you feel like you owe it to her to spend every waking moment with her just because the two of you are together. She respects the fact that you need your space as much as she needs hers. She acknowledges the fact that you have a life outside of the relationship and is accepting of that.

Your efforts never go unnoticed

We all express our affection very differently. Maybe because it has a lot to do with the kind of person you are and the kind of person you’re with. Keeping this in mind, you try to do things for her every now and then, even things you’re not comfortable with. She not only acknowledges every little thing you do for her but also appreciates it.

Not only do you love her, but so does your family

This part is a bit difficult and tricky. Getting your family to like her and accept her is never easy. It depends on how you present her and more importantly on how she treats your family. If she is able to win them over, for your sake, then there is no doubt about her being the one.

You Can Maintain The Friend/Girlfriend Balance

Ah yes, the friend/girlfriend balance — easily one of the hardest things a man will have to manage in his life. It’s Friday night and you’re hanging out with your girlfriend, when suddenly you get a text from your buds commanding you to come out to a nearby bar. Do you go alone, bring your girlfriend, say you can’t, ignore the text? If I had the answer to this ageless question, I wouldn’t be writing content for websites… I’d be an omnipotent being giving advice for a shit-ton of money. Maintaining the balance is up to you; we all know how amazing it is to snuggle up with your girlfriend 24/7, but neither one of you wants to be the only person in each other’s lives. If you can spend time with your friends by yourself, with her by your side, and vice-versa for her friends all equally, you’re on the right track.

You Have Awesome Sex

Whether it’s wild sex, make up sex, Christmas sex, Hanukkah sex, morning sex, afternoon sex, drunk sex, or gloriously lazy sex,you know you’re with the person you’re meant to be with when the sex is always good… even when it’s bad.

You Can Do Nothing Together (And Love It)

On the other hand, there are still those nights where neither one of you wants to have sex at all (imagine that!) and you opt out for Netflix and Chill (literally) with a glass of booze in your hands. If you don’t feel the need to fill those lovely nights with forced conversation or unnecessary hand stuff, you can consider your relationship a success. There is no such thing as time wasted when you’re spending that time with someone you love — consider turning off your phones and enjoying domestic bliss.

Things Are Still Romantic

If you have to struggle to keep things romantic, don’t let that dissuade you from thinking the girl you’re with is the girl you should end up with. I get it, the weeks are long, work is hard, and Fridays are the most tiring days ever. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comfortable laziness, but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. If you have to plan out a romantic evening that doesn’t naturally occur, don’t fret, because romance doesn’t die with the person who’s made for you. It may be harder and harder to make time for those little moments, but when they pop up, you’ll remember why you chose each other.It doesn’t have to be a grandiose gesture of roses and dinner and a mariachi band — in fact, it can be as something as small as telling her she looks pretty. If you’ve got that, you’ve got everything.

You See A Future With Her

It’s actually quite startling how many couples refrain from talking about the future out of fear. Call me crazy, but I think it’s because so few couples out there actually see themselves with the person they’re with for a long period of time. The relationship-out-of-necessity, or “settling” is a huge problem that will trap innocent loving people in a commitment they don’t want. They spend thousands of dollars on a wedding and a honeymoon to find out, a few years later, that they were never really that into it. If you close your eyes and think about your life and she’s in every daydream you have, then you’re on the right track. If she feels the same way and you’ve talked about this with each other, you’re on the double-right track. If neither one of you can see a long-term future with each other, it’s time to move on.

You’re Completely Yourself Around Her

Don’t hide your personality or pretend to be something you’re not — that’s what first dates are for. When you’re with the one, you start to think of them as an extension of yourself. You can fully be your own person around them and they can do the same with you. If you find yourself censoring your words or thoughts and simply don’t feel comfortable around them, then take that all into consideration. If you’re in it for the long haul and feel like you have to lock yourself in your bedroom every hour, you might be doing something wrong. Finding the one you love is about finding someone who will love and accept you for who you are. You’ll grow together, change together, and just be together without any reservations.

You have her unconditional support

When you look back at the things you’ve been through in your life while in a relationship with her, you cannot think of a single incident in which she hasn’t supported you in any way or hasn’t helped you get past it. Even when you were about to give up, she was the one pushing you. She has been your strength all along. She believes in you, even when you fail to believe in yourself.

You think she is perfect!

There isn’t a thing you’d want to change about her, even the things she thinks are imperfections. The way she smiles, the way she talks, how she holds you and how she blushes when you compliment her, every little thing about her spells out perfect for you.

You see her in your future

When you talk about your future, you talk about the two of you being together. You can’t imagine any scenario without her being present in it. You even make plans with her. She’s the one you want to share everything with, now and in the foreseeable future.

She compromises

There are times when a person is not at their best and they fail to do things the way they normally would. When you’re going through such a period and fall short of being a good partner, instead of complaining she proves to be understanding of your situation. She doesn’t make you feel bad about it, rather helps you in whatever ways she can.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

3 Tricks For Improving Your Focus

Are you behind on a task or project, late to a commitment again, or cannot remember what you did yesterday for fun? If this is the case, you may have an issue with focus and attention span and it may be hard for you to stick to a task. Your attention span dictates how much time you are able to focus on a task without being distracted.

Focus is necessary for achieving one’s goals. If you are not able to focus on your goals then you will tend to jump away from the right track quite often. Do not worry, for you are not alone. There are lots of people with this problem, and there is something known as “ADHD,” Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder, which has to do with not focusing or just being distracted a lot. There are many different distractions and external stimuli around us such as noise.

Here are 3 tricks for improving your focus:

1. Stick With Exercise

Ever felt like exercising clears up your mind and gets you more focused? Do you resort to playing basketball or some other sport when life gets too stressed out and you need a break? Physical activity could stimulate more learning and development because there are these endorphins that are released when you do something you enjoy.

These happy hormones are responsible for giving you a good “high” that pushes you to perform better and just as it does that, it could push your focus to a better place and increase your attention span once your mind is clear and focused on only that certain task you are doing.

2. Write Your Task Out

It all begins with writing your tasks and activities you want to accomplish or focus on. Does it ever feel like you know all the tasks you need to complete throughout the day but then as the day commences you begin to finish things but also forget about other things?

Well, this is common and could happen because you have too much on mind and do not write down your tasks. All you need to do is jot down the task or even just a keyword reminding yourself of what you have on mind to day or do. The next step could be to go down this list and start focusing on each task one at a time and your day should go well. Do not underestimate the impact of writing and mapping out your activities, it could really help.

3. Create The Proper Environment

Let us be honest about this; if you really want and need to focus on a certain task then set up the proper environment and the proper place. Do not go to a busy place such as a busy mall or coffee shop and expect that you will be able to focus and do well on your work. Instead make sure that you have a special room in the house if possible that you label “focus room,” where you can go in and know that you will have the proper focus needed for the task.

Overall, focus is something that we all wish to improve because that will mean that we will be more effective and finish our tasks more punctually and move on to other things. This will, as a result, help us achieve more success. So work on improving your focus and do not underestimate its impact.

Do you have any additional tips for improving focus? Please share them with our community with your comments below.

Friday, 13 May 2016

6 ways to beat type 2 diabetes naturally

The secret to managing type 2 diabetes doesn’t come in a pill. In most cases, simple lifestyle changes will do the trick.

It is no secret that type 2 diabetes is on the rise around the world. But if you have been diagnosed, there is a lot you can do to improve your health — and the best place to start is by changing your lifestyle. Click here >> www.showmehealthytips.com

“Basic principles of good health like eating right, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight can be as effective as medicine in the management of type 2 diabetes for most people,” says dietitian Sue McLaughlin, RD, diabetes educator and president of health care and education for the American Diabetes Association. This is also backed up by the Look AHEAD study, a large clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The researchers found that over a four-year period, changes like eating a healthier diet and getting more exercise led to weight loss and improved diabetes control in 5000 overweight or obese participants with type 2 diabetes.

If you’re ready to make positive changes to help control diabetes, here’s how to get started: www.showmehealthytips.com

1. Improve your diet

Keeping close tabs on your diet is a major way to manage type 2 diabetes. A healthy diet for people with type 2 diabetes includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean meats, and low-fat dairy. Focus on eating fruits and non-starchy vegetables, like broccoli, carrots, and lettuce, and having smaller portions of starchy foods, meat, and dairy products. Be especially careful about loading up on foods that are high on the glycemic index (GI), a system that ranks foods according to how they affect glucose levels. High-GI foods include white breads, white rice, and soda. www.showmehealthytips.com

Limit fast food, too. In a 15-year study of 3,000 young adults, those who ate fast food more than twice a week developed insulin resistance (a diabetes risk factor) at twice the rate of people who weren’t fast food junkies. Plus, fast food is loaded with refined carbohydrates, trans fats, and sodium, which can be especially unhealthy for people with type 2 diabetes.

2. Lose Weight

Shedding weight can improve blood sugar levels and help keep type 2 diabetes under control. And you don’t have to lose a lot of weight to make a difference. “If you already have type 2 diabetes, losing just 10 to 15 kg can lower your glucose levels,” says McLaughlin.

Where your fat is distributed also affects your diabetes risk and management. People who carry most of their fat in their belly (apple shape) are more prone to type 2 diabetes than those with fat mostly in the thighs, hips, and buttocks (pear shape). A woman whose waist measures more than 35 inches and a man with a 40-inch waist need to lose weight for good diabetes management, says McLaughlin, adding that a healthy diet and regular aerobic exercise will whittle away weight in the stomach area.

3. Exercise regularly

Even without losing a pound, exercise can help keep type 2 diabetes under control.

“When you do physical activity, such as walking, your muscle contractions push glucose out of your blood into your cells,” explains McLaughlin. The result: Better blood sugar levels.

Of course, the more intense the exercise, the better. In one study of vigorous exercise and type 2 diabetes, women who walked quickly gained more protection from type 2 diabetes than those who walked at a more leisurely pace.

Regular weight-lifting sessions can also help keep blood sugar levels steady. McLaughlin recommends using hand weights or resistance bands for 30 minutes two to three times a week.

4. Control sleep apnea

Many overweight people with type 2 diabetes also have sleep apnea, a condition in which a person stops breathing temporarily while sleeping.

People with type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea are at higher risk of death from heart attack and stroke. Their blood sugar levels also fluctuate more dramatically while sleeping than in those who have type 2 diabetes, but not sleep apnea, according to one study. These fluctuations have been linked to a higher risk for diabetic complications. www.showmehealthytips.com

Severe cases of sleep apnea may need to be treated with surgery or by wearing a special device while sleeping, but less severe cases can be managed by losing weight. Talk to your doctor if you suspect you may have sleep apnea — loud snoring is one sign. A special sleep test can diagnose sleep apnea.

5. Soothe stress

Stress can make blood sugar levels harder to control, says McLaughlin. Try relaxation techniques to chase away stress. Top-notch stress busters include meditation, massage, and soothing music.

As a bonus, stress relief may help you sleep better. This is very important because studies show that not getting enough sleep can worsen type 2 diabetes. Sleeping less than six hours a night has also been found to contribute to impaired glucose tolerance, a condition that often precedes type 2 diabetes.

Besides the above mentioned ways of soothing stress, try deep breathing before bed. Other tips you can try are:

– Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods at night.
– Maintain a slightly cool temperature in your sleep environment.
– Block out all light and noise.
– Go to bed at the same time every night to establish a sleep schedule.
– These management strategies can have a dramatic impact on blood sugar levels and the progression of type 2 diabetes, says McLaughlin. – – Simple lifestyle changes will improve how you feel today, and help ensure a healthier future. www.showmehealthytips.com

6. Supplement -Our GLUCOFIT is a pack of Supplements that help your body heal from diabetes, especially while your body works to gain proper insulin reactions. The supplements are in the GLUCOFIT pack carry out the following functions in the body:

– They rewire and stimulate the pancreas to produce and release more insulin.

– They inhibit the production and release of glucose from the liver.

– They also block the action of stomach enzymes that break down carbohydrates.

– They improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin

– They inhibit the reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys

– They slow down how quickly food moves through the stomach.

If you want to reverse diabetes quickly GLUCOFIT is your sure bet click here www.showmehealthytips.com

Tinubu Backs his Man: Buhari made a Wise Decision on Fuel Subsidy Removal

APC chieftain and former Governor of Lagos State,
Bola Ahmed Tinubu has thrown his weight behind President Buhari over the fuel subsidy removal matter.

Bola Tinubu through a statement said that Buhari had made a prudent and courageous decision on the removal of fuel subsidy and it will only go on to make things better for Nigerians.

The statement said “We all want fuel at a cheaper price. under the subsidy, we got the right price but not the fuel. Meanwhile, some were getting rich on the common man’s predicament. They were laughing to the bank while the rest of Nigeria waited in the petrol line. This is not the way to democratic development. It is a recipe for creating a class of economic predators that would feed off the people and in time gain such power and wealth that they would seek to buy and control if not own government as well.

President Buhari has with this decision put an abrupt and just end to this assault against our economy and political system. He has made a courageous and prudent decision. It is time to end the fuel subsidy and to begin to subsidize the true needs of the people.
To Mr. President, I say congratulations for having the courage to remove the subsidy. The President has taken this tough decision in the interest of the present and future generations of Nigerians.
For some time, I have been a proponent of this action. I believed ending of subsidy was the only sure way to put to sleep the myriad demons that had invaded the subsidy process, sucking the blood of Nigeria, swallowing much of our needed money.

The rentiers will no longer be able to make free money at our common expense. They will no longer be laughing to the bank while you languish in endless fuel queues. Nigeria has taken the historic step needed to create a competitive environment that that will eliminate smuggling, provide incentives for private refineries and attract foreign investments in the downstream sector and create employment.

Instead of just shipping off the oil and having the more expensive finished products sent back to us, Nigeria will move closer to realizing its potential to become the plastic center of the continent by manufacturing these by products. Nothing can stop Nigeria from being the net exporter of fertilizer from the bye products of the oil industry.”


Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on
an hill cannot be hid. Mathew 5:14
Read: Mathew 5:14-16

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set
on an hill cannot be hid.

15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under
a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light
unto all that are in the house.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your Father
which is in heaven.

Jesus introduced Himself to humanity in John
8:12 as the light of the world. Just as the sun is
the physical light of the world, so also is Jesus
the spiritual light of the world. As the light of the
world, Jesus exposes sin and gives sight. Our
memory verse for today shows that Jesus is the
primary light, and we are the secondary light. As
the light of the sun is to the moon, so Jesus is
the source of light, and we are the reflectors of
the light. Jesus said in John 9:5:
“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of
the world.”

Now that He is no longer here, we are His
reflected light in the world. I have often told my
children that light is a very powerful force. When
there is light, darkness has no chance than to
disappear. John 1:5 says:
"And the light shineth in darkness; and the
darkness comprehended it not".
The truth is, not all light can outshine darkness.
For instance, Genesis 1 talks of categories of
"And God made two great lights; the greater light
to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
night: he made the stars also." Genesis 1:16

There are lights of the sun, moon and stars. Then
there are man-made lights of varying sizes. If you
flick on the tiny bulb of a flash-light in the midst
of total darkness, you will only see the spot that
the torch is pointing at. Everywhere else will still
be surrounded by darkness. The size of a light
determines the area it will dominate or rule over.
The sun rules over the day because it is far
brighter than the moon. If the moon were to
replace the sun during the day, there would be
darkness during a period that should be day time.
Similarly, if you bring the sun to replace the moon
during night time, the night will turn into day.
This tells us that what determines the result of a
situation is the amount of light it is exposed to.

This means exposing varying degrees of light on
the same situation will give you different results.
The volume of light of God's Word that you are
exposed to will determine the degree of change
you can experience. Mathew 5:16 says:
"Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your Father
which is in heaven."
The Intensity and size of God's light in you will
determine your sphere of domination. Although,
God has commanded you to dominate everything
(Genesis 1:28), the actual scope of your
domination will be determined by the amount of
God's Word that is in you. The Word is the Light
of the world. If you lack the Word, you lack the
light that gives definition to your ability to

As you increase your Word content, you
enlarge your coast. Staying away from the Word
automatically reduces your glow and ultimately,
your ability to control forces, situations and
circumstances. On the other hand, the moment
you stop shining as light, darkness will swallow
you up. If you want to be victorious over forces of
darkness, be daily exposed to more light from His

Prayer Point:
Father, please fill me with Your light and let me
shine across the whole world in Jesus’ name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 15:17-17:23 and
Proverbs 23:29-24:7


1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee;
Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty,
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the
glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,
Who wert and art and evermore shalt be.

3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide
Though the eye made blind by sin thy glory may
not see,
Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

4. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and
sky and sea;
Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty,
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Catch Yourself Complaining ? 7 Ways To Shut It Down Now

Wondering how you can stop yourself from moaning or complaining about things before you even begin? Put an end to complaining with these 7 techniques below. Find the inspiring things in life that may come from a dark point yet in the end you learn how to be positive from. Find out why complaining is simply just not for you.

1. Know The Warning Signs

Know when you are about to start complaining, figure out why and tell yourself to move on from there. By knowing when you feel like you are complaining or when you may begin, you keep yourself from indulging deeply into it. In other words, stop it before it begins.

2. Think Of The Good Aspects Of The Situation

Learn to see what the good in situations and to stop focusing on the bad things that make you complain. In everything there is something we can at least learn from. Why not make that choice to figure out what it is and change the way you think for a better experience and the betterment of yourself. No need to complain about everything. Life cannot be that bad!

3. Be Mindful And Aware

Be mindful of everything and everyone and be aware. Try and think sensibly and consciously understand your surroundings without being so quick to jump to conclusions and judgements. By asserting that you will mindfully go into any situation you are faced with you can end that urge to complain and change your perspective while you are at it.

4. Stop Judging So Much

Why so critical? Learn to stop judging so much especially when you find yourself nagging others about small issues. Ever about the effects your judgment might have on others around? Value others feelings and learn when to keep your thoughts to yourself.

5. Look Forward And Stay Positive

Consider your wellbeing and keep heading forward with a positive perspective. Complaining only takes time away from developing a positive life and maintaining positive attitudes.

When you have an urge to complain, consider the effects it has, whether big or small and make a choice to gather all that inner positive energy to keep you feeling good throughout the day no matter what. Be direct, shine and be positive and happy. Carry a smile with you at all times!

6. Learn To Adapt And Welcome Change

Learn to adapt in the face of change. Life is full of changes so be prepared to take them head on. Explore them, learn, and become wise. Complaining will definitely get you nowhere. Instead welcome life’s challenges, see it as an adventure. Adapt and make use of every situation you find yourself in.

7. Be Content

And of course, learn to be content with what you have at present. By being content, you push away the urge to complain. You find the happiness you need- too fulfilled to even think about whining. No dissatisfaction here! Only good-natured pleasure as you find comfort in the beautiful aspects of life that keep you at ease throughout your days.

Whether you complain about the smaller or bigger things in life, consider living complaint free and keep your spirit at ease.

Do you know a constant complainer? We’d love to hear about them! Please share your story below.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

21 Worst Reasons You Are Not Living Up To Your Full Potential

Wondering why you are not living up to your full potential like you wish you could? Sometimes it goes beyond what others think and actually has a lot to do with how we view ourselves. Here are 21 worst reasons you are not living up to your full potential. Recognize the signs and get up and start heading in a direction that benefits you. You will surely find some of those signs and ‘first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.’

1. You Are Living In Fear

Whether it is fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, fear of reprisal or anything else, being afraid can keep us from fully reaching our potential. Take a moment to think, what are you actually afraid of?

2. Low Self Confidence

Or maybe you are experiencing low self-confidence which can keep us from achieving anything. Find pride in your abilities and if you need to work on something about yourself, do so

3. Not Enough Push, Drive And Motivation

Sometimes not having any drive and the right kind of push to get us up and going can affect how we set about going for gold. Find something that motivates you and remind yourself of it daily.

4. A Lack Of Encouragement From People You Love The Most

Maybe you are experiencing a lack of encouragement from people you love the most and this may come across as if they do not care. Let others know that you could use some positivity. Keep in mind that often we are faced with seemingly solitude on our journeys throughout life so try and stay strong and encourage yourself when you have too.

5. Procrastination

Procrastination is never a friend. Kick it in the butt and get to work.

6. Undeserving Attitude

Who determines whether you deserve something more than you yourself? Build the confidence you need and know that you deserve much in life just like anyone else.

7. Inferiority Complex

Often comparing ourselves and what we want to see in our own lives to others can have us feeling all kinds of lows. Feeling inferior only comes about when we compare ourselves to others and make them appear- within our own heads- as more superior. Learn to appreciate who you are and what you can achieve. All the stuff people are doing is outside stuff. Let it go so you can progress.

8. You Do Not Know How To Start

Just start. Do not know where? Draw up a plan if you have too but along the way you will experience things that you learn from and eventually this will get you on the path you know you need to be.

9. You Have No Way To Measure Your Goals

Write them down and keep them somewhere safe like in a journal or a piece of paper you keep in your wallet to look at everything you need encouragement. Do not measure your goals against others, rather measure them against your achievements and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

10. You Do Not Understand Your Purpose

Maybe you do not understand your purpose. Well understand this; We all have a purpose whether we have yet to figure it out or have already found it. Keep on going, figuring out your purpose often comes with time and experience.

11. You Are Comfortable Where You Are

Sometimes being comfortable where you are can mean deciding not to continue any further whether you want to or not. Consider all pros and cons and think “will my decision to stay where I am today limit me in the future?”

12. Too Much Focus On The Past

Why bring up the past if it has cannot be a positive example for the present? Focus your attention on perhaps starting over again and breathe a sigh of relief that the past does not have to be a part of your journey unless you want it too.

13. Not Allowing Yourself To Laugh

Laugh sometimes. Smile. Life cannot be that bad. Humor brings us closer to action because the more positive and optimistically happy we feel the better chance we have at reaching success.

14. You Do Not Know How To Say No

Learn to say “no” sometimes. You cannot carry the world on your shoulders so when the stress is too great and you start neglecting yourself, learn to tell others “no” so you can take care.

15. You Do Not Know How To Say Yes To Yourself

Or maybe you do not know how to say “yes” to yourself. You say “yes” to everyone else and “no” to yourself. While some religions teach that this is the way life should be, why destruct yourself for the pleasure of others? You too were “created” to live in this world so allow yourself to do so.

16. You Have No Trust

Maybe you do not trust yourself to go far or you do not trust others to support you when you feel down. Learn to trust but also learn to be mindful and aware so you know who you can trust and those you may not be able too.

17. There is Pain Somewhere In Your Life Holding You Back

Pain can keep us from striving for the best. If you are feeling sorrow, try and understand where it is coming from and work on feeling good again.

18. You Are Taking Giant Leaps When You Could Take Baby Steps

Sometimes smaller steps are even greater than giant leaps because then we can focus more on detail. Even small steps are accomplishments. Not everything has to be big in order to really mean something.

19. You Feel Lost

Perhaps you feel lost all around like there is nothing you can do because you have no idea where you are to begin with. Have no fear in possibly starting fresh and new or take some time to sit and evaluate your life so you understand it and know how to deal with the coming changes.

20. You Have No Self Control

What does it mean to have self-control? Self-control simply means being able to regulate what happens in your life, being aware and understanding your experiences while also saying “no” to things that may not be the best for you. Learn to have self-control and reach your full potential.

21. Why Should You If No One Acknowledges It

Lastly but not least, maybe you believe that no one will acknowledge that you are living at your full potential. While it may appear that way, trust me when I say this, people do notice but unfortunately we do live in a world where people are highly competitive and sometimes love to “hate.” As long as you keep your head up and improve your life for the betterment of your overall self that is all that matters. You acknowledge it, you celebrate and take joy and that is all that matters in the end.

So whether we are living in fear, feeling inferior, lazy, or just plain comfortable already in where we are at, these 21 reasons why you are not living up to your full potential can be a significant headache. Learn to get around them and find out how you can accomplish more starting today and heading into a long and great future.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Are You A Good Brand To Date ?

Entering the dating world again, I cannot help but notice how similar dating is to engaging with a brand on social media. After all, let’s face it, most of us probably spend more time on social media than paying attention to some of our dates. So I’ve created a little test for you to see if your brand is a first class date, or a dud that leaves the consumer moving on to their next date.

#1- Does your brand open the doors for your consumers?

My mom judged my college boyfriend on the fact that he DID NOT open the door for me when I went up to Jupiter, FL to have dinner with her. Let me tell you something, there was never a door that boy did not open for me after my mom had a few choice words with him. Ever since, that’s been one of my first indications when going on a date with someone new. Let’s just say that the non-door openers don’t make it quite as far.

The same goes for your brand. Consumers shouldn’t have to spend hours searching for your Twitter handle or your Facebook URL. If you want your fans to engage, open the doors for them! Add your social media logos and links to every piece of outgoing collateral, whether it be an email signature or a business card.

#2- Does your brand make good dinner conversation?

No one likes a silent date. I mean, if getting a word out of my date is like pulling teeth, I am already onto the next one. The same goes for brands. If your brand is silent, not answering the questions coming at it from all social networks, then your consumers will move onto the brand who is on social, answering those questions.

However, no one likes an overly-chatty date that talks about no one but himself, either. Arrogance is my number one turn-off on a date, and hence, in a brand. Don’t enter the social space with a one-way conversation. Look for ways that you can engage with your consumers, asking them questions about their own experiences, so they feel included in your brand’s voice.

#3- Does your brand call the next day?

I know, I know there is some three-day rule out there. Fortunately, I am the girl, and have never had to count to three. Honestly, with the emergence of the speed of social media, I actually find that I’ve moved on if the person has waited three days. I am onto a different conversation by then.

The same goes for brands– that three day rule is no longer relevant. While you once had days to respond to written letters and emails, now consumers expect that highly visible FB message and/or Tweet to be answered ASAP.

They also expect follow-up. Absolutely wow your consumers by checking in after their first “date” with you and making sure that their experience was positive with your brand on social media. Don’t let the conversation end after the first date.

If you answered ‘yes’ to all of the above questions, congrats on being a highly datable brand! If you answered ‘no’, there is still time to become a better date in the social media world. Just think of your brand as someone you would like to spend a lot of time with. Would you like to spend a lot of time with someone who is arrogant and doesn’t follow-up with you? Or would you like to spend time with someone who lets you talk about yourself every now and then, and makes sure that the conversation continues after the first date?