Tuesday, 1 November 2016

3 Tricks For Improving Your Focus

Are you behind on a task or project, late to a commitment again, or cannot remember what you did yesterday for fun? If this is the case, you may have an issue with focus and attention span and it may be hard for you to stick to a task. Your attention span dictates how much time you are able to focus on a task without being distracted.

Focus is necessary for achieving one’s goals. If you are not able to focus on your goals then you will tend to jump away from the right track quite often. Do not worry, for you are not alone. There are lots of people with this problem, and there is something known as “ADHD,” Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder, which has to do with not focusing or just being distracted a lot. There are many different distractions and external stimuli around us such as noise.

Here are 3 tricks for improving your focus:

1. Stick With Exercise

Ever felt like exercising clears up your mind and gets you more focused? Do you resort to playing basketball or some other sport when life gets too stressed out and you need a break? Physical activity could stimulate more learning and development because there are these endorphins that are released when you do something you enjoy.

These happy hormones are responsible for giving you a good “high” that pushes you to perform better and just as it does that, it could push your focus to a better place and increase your attention span once your mind is clear and focused on only that certain task you are doing.

2. Write Your Task Out

It all begins with writing your tasks and activities you want to accomplish or focus on. Does it ever feel like you know all the tasks you need to complete throughout the day but then as the day commences you begin to finish things but also forget about other things?

Well, this is common and could happen because you have too much on mind and do not write down your tasks. All you need to do is jot down the task or even just a keyword reminding yourself of what you have on mind to day or do. The next step could be to go down this list and start focusing on each task one at a time and your day should go well. Do not underestimate the impact of writing and mapping out your activities, it could really help.

3. Create The Proper Environment

Let us be honest about this; if you really want and need to focus on a certain task then set up the proper environment and the proper place. Do not go to a busy place such as a busy mall or coffee shop and expect that you will be able to focus and do well on your work. Instead make sure that you have a special room in the house if possible that you label “focus room,” where you can go in and know that you will have the proper focus needed for the task.

Overall, focus is something that we all wish to improve because that will mean that we will be more effective and finish our tasks more punctually and move on to other things. This will, as a result, help us achieve more success. So work on improving your focus and do not underestimate its impact.

Do you have any additional tips for improving focus? Please share them with our community with your comments below.

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