Wednesday 24 June 2015

It Took Me A Minute To Figure Out What This Dad Was Doing… Then It Made Me Cry!

Fathers are superheroes. They have certain characteristics that always amazed me. For example, my father always knew when I was lying. And he knew when mom already said no but I thought I would try my luck with him instead. My father always knew exactly what to say to scare my boyfriends. And my personal favorite: my father could fix anything!!

Fathers are superheroes. CLICK TO TWEET
Fathers have a unique ability to repair even the most broken toys. And it doesn’t stop there – they come up with amazing solutions for problems I didn’t even know existed. Every day they made life a little easier and a little better with their clever ideas. Dad the builder – can he fix it? YES HE CAN!                          
Dad makes life little easier and a whole lot better.                                    
In this video, a caring father comes up with a creative solution to make his daughter smile. Just wait until the end – you won’t even see it coming!

I love the look on her face when she sees what he did. Watch the video to see what this brilliant man does for his daughter, and please SHARE this with a superhero father in your life!

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