Thursday, 5 November 2015

TIPS: Here Are The Top 5 Possible Ways To Stay Classy After Breakup

It took me a long time to fall in love . Twenty -
five years, to be exact.
Loneliness is one of the most difficult aspects
of being single . Considering I went through
high school and college without a girlfriend, I
thought my loneliness was profound .
I can’ t help but laugh at my naivety because
the loneliness you feel when a relationship ends
cannot even compare .
One aspect about my relationship that always
seemed intense was how fast we moved.
By our second date , I knew it was the real
thing , and by the seventh month , we talked
about the potential of marriage .
At one point , my ex said , “We would have
beautiful babies ,” and the comment
remarkably didn ’ t scare me. Rather, it made my
heart skip a beat .
When a man crosses paths with a woman who
is capable of straightening him out , a strange
rewiring occurs.
Of course, not all men need to be “straightened
out , ” but before I met my girlfriend I was , as a
former coworker once labeled me, “A hot ass
mess .”
Don’ t get me wrong ; I was employed , working
on a master’ s degree , writing and enjoying my
life . However , I was also lazy , lacked purpose
and struggled with motivation .
When I met my soon-to -be girlfriend, all of
that changed.
For the first time in my life , I met a woman
who I felt was worth fighting for. And for the
time being, I had found my purpose in her .
The thing that confused me the most about our
relationship was the fighting . Of course, no
relationship will be daisies and rainbows all the
time , and fighting is normal.
However , when there is total harmony between
you and your partner, fights can sometimes feel
like a blind- side football tackle .
One of the toughest lessons I learned as my ex
and I moved through tumultuous times was to
not break up while in a fight.
I only learned this lesson because I initially
broke up with my girlfriend after a fight.
Moments later, I came crawling back because it
didn’ t feel right .
So , what was particularly difficult about the
end of my relationship was that we weren ’ t
fighting anymore . We were in a normal, day- to -
day state .
However , I knew in the back of my mind I
wasn ’ t seeing the future of us anymore .
Instead of waiting for a moment when we
snapped at each other and took the easy way
out , I broke up with my girlfriend under very
honest terms. But, that didn’ t make it easy .
Counterintuitively, it’ s hard not to question
your decision because you made it in a sound
state of mind as opposed to relying on anger
or frustration .
Still , it ’ s rewarding to know my relationship
ended on good terms , and in the future , I may
even get the chance to catch up and enjoy her
company again.
At the end of my relationship, I learned these
five rules to executing and maintaining a classy
breakup :

1. Commit

This goes for both men and women: If you
could not commit to the idea of being in a
relationship with your lover, then commit to the
idea of not being with him or her .
For most couples , it ’ s easy to fall back into
each other ’ s arms the moment loneliness
strikes, but you’ re simply cheating yourselves.
When you make the decision to end a
relationship, understand and embrace that it is
truly the end, no matter how much it hurts.
Then, you must challenge yourself to never
speak to that person again.
That sounds intense, but opportunities may
come up down the line to reconnect . However ,
the wounds must heal first.
It ’ s essential any contact with your ex isn ’ t
driven by a desire to get back together , to
search for closure or to simply feel something .
Rather, contact should only be initiated if you
have fully and truly moved on. For many , it ’ s
possible that time may never come. Embrace

2. Stop searching for closure

I was unprepared for the finality losing my
lover and my best friend .
After a few good cries and some absurdly long
showers contemplating the demise of my
relationship, I finally came to understand not
everyone gets closure.
Few relationships are neatly wrapped up like a
bow on a Christmas present . Endings are
painful, and it was particularly shocking for me
after I experienced my first “honeymoon ”
phase .
Accepting that closure may not be in the cards
for you is hard, but that realization initiates the
healing phase .

3. Heal in a positive way

Personally, I’ m not the type to go out and have
crazy, meaningless s * x or to turn to drugs and
alcohol. Rather , I will just toil in a potent
cocktail of self - loathing and depression.
When my relationship ended , days started to
blend together . I felt that core , hallmark feeling
of depression I had felt before : helplessness.
I think my saving grace was the gym . I ’ m no
fitness expert ( and my diet sucks) , but pushing
myself through a few workouts while blasting
powerful music really helped me heal .

4. Don’t look back in anger

A failed relationship is a failed relationship, and
ultimately, it takes two people to bring it down
( most of the time , anyway ) .
Even Andy Dufresne from the “Shawshank
Redemption ” came to understand his actions
were partially responsible for the demise of his
marriage .
Bear in mind , he came to this conclusion after
20 years in jail , which was preceded by
catching his wife cheating and being wrongly
convicted for her murder .
If that isn ’ t a profound realization , I don ’ t
know what is .
An immature concern of mine after my
relationship ended was publicly establishing
who broke up with who .
When I found out from friends of my ex that
word had spread I had broken up with her, I
was elated.
“That’ s right , I broke it off !” Looking back , I am
borderline ashamed of my childlike mindset .
Ultimately , my desire to publicly define the
breakup came from my insecurity of what other
people thought of me.
I didn ’ t want to be looked down on for being
broken up with. I wanted to be respected for
having initiated the act myself .
In reality , my time should have been spent
trying to understand where I had failed my ex
as a boyfriend and how I could improve upon
those failures in the future .

5. Understand the price of love

In the classic movie , “Annie Hall” by Woody
Allen, we spend 90 minutes exploring a
relationship from its formation to its demise .
As the movie comes to a close , the couple
having been broken up for some time , Alvy
( Woody Allen) unexpectedly runs into his
former lover, Annie ( Diane Keaton ) .
They decide to grab a cup of coffee , and as
they share laughs and effortlessly rediscover
their old chemistry , the movie transitions into a
montage, as it runs through memories of their
It shows them walking on the beach , kissing
under the covers , frustration as they move in
together , happily exchanging gifts , Alvy
consoling Annie as she cries and an
idiosyncratic moment as they laugh together
on a NYC park bench after noticing something
funny in the distance.
After the montage , Alvy begins to narrate,
“After that it got pretty late, and we both had
to go , but it was great seeing Annie again. I … I
realized what a terrific person she was , and…
and how much fun it was just knowing her;
and I… I, I thought of that old joke …”
As Alvy narrates , the camera watches him from
a distance as he stands on a NYC street corner
and says goodbye to Annie.
We observe this lingering moment , and you can
see Alvy is searching for something more , as
he shakes Annie ’ s hand for far too long, not
wanting to let go .
He then finishes narrating:

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

For Singles ; Only 7 things to do if you want to end up in a serious relationship

Maintaining a serious relationship can be tasking
. A successful long term relationship is a joint
effort between two committed people.
If you have something 'real' and 'special' with
someone you see a future with, here are 7 things
to do which will make you more committed.

1. Look for the right partner:

Keep your eyes
open for 'wife and husband materials'. If you
spot a potential player, there's no need dating
them thinking they'll change. Find someone who
compliments you.

2. Be matured:

Partying and drinking like a
teenager is a no-no. Be more responsible, get a
job and earn a good living. This would make you
more independent and ready to handle what
comes your way.

3. Be with someone who wants a serious
relationship as you do:

This crosses out the
players and emotionally unavailable people. If
you are ready to commit, find someone who's on
the same page with you.

4. Make more effort:

Loving someone involves
not running away after two fights. We all know
it's not easy, but if this is worth fighting for,
then don't let anything stop you.

5. Have no expectations:

Don't set the bar too
high or too low. Don't expect too much so you
don't end up disappointed.

6. Make room in your
tight schedule:

Set aside
enough time to spend with your partner. If you
are very busy during the weekdays, try to spend
time with them on weekends. The more you are
together, the stronger your relationship becomes.

7. Your future plans should align with theirs:

Some things matter more when you are in a
serious relationships. You guys should have a
chat before things get too serious, this will help
you check if your plans matches with theirs.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Check out @Chapstar4eva's Tweet:

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

33 Reasons To Leave The Past Behind And Live In The Present

Living day by day and just moving with the
flow can be very beneficial. Who wants to
remember the past and all the different issues
and troubles they had to deal with? No one
likes bad times because it is hard and affects
one’s mood and mind in a negative way. All
our pasts are full of bad memories or days and
possibly things we regret and so it is never a
good idea to keep on remembering the past.
Naturally, we possess an innate feature known
as “forgetting”. You might initially think that
this feature is a bad one. However, it actually
helps to forget sometimes. That is because
forgetting includes getting rid of all those bad
moments one goes through in life and in the
past. Moreover, we will always face such
situations because that is part of life that we
need to confront.
Since learning to live in the present moment
and discard the past allows us to have more
hope in life and be more positive, we tend to
like to forget bad occurrences.

1. Avoid Bad Moods

We all have our bad days and moments where
our moods are not the best. Living in the past
tends to bring along a bad mood to individuals,
which then causes negative energy to be
passed on to other people and loved ones
around, which builds a bad and unhealthy
environment – and no one wants that.

2. New Life

Do you ever get caught up in the past, thinking
about bad memories, situations, and/or
problems? This happens to all of us
occasionally, especially when we do something
in the present that has some relation to our
past. It can be really frustrating and saddening
but we need to make sure and fight ourselves
to get rid of such distresses. Therefore, we
need to just forget about the past and “move
on”. There is a known saying that mentions
that: “life goes on”. Achieving this will erase
bad memories and bring about positive things.

3. Grow Hope

Ever thought about what will happen if we keep
thinking about the past and all the problems
we faced? This is definitely not the way to go,
because you will be stuck in life and as time
passes, the hope will be lost.

4. Stress Relief

Stress is one of the worst yet strongest
enemies of human beings. Given that we live in
a quick, progressing life we can almost never
get rid of stress completely. However, we can
try our best to reduce or eliminate some of the
inlets of stress. One of them is definitely living
in the past. The way we can remove that
stress source is by sticking to the present and
not worrying about the past.

5. You Can’t Change

One important question that could help us not
to think as much or eliminate our thoughts of
the past is: Can we go back to a certain
situation and change it, given that it already
passed? The answer is definitely no, unless you
think you will use a time machine and go to
the past. It is true. No matter how bad your
past has been, always think of the idea that
you cannot change anything and this may help
put you at ease with yourself.

6. Developing positivity

Another reason why we should forget about our
past and live in the present is positivity.
Positivity is an essential part of an individual’s
life that helps maintain peace of mind, healthy
life, and a good atmosphere.

7. Let Go Of Fear

There is a countless number of different fears
present among people. Fears are usually hard
to overcome and one of the reasons is that we
do not muster up the courage to fight those
fears. Therefore, another way we could try to
reduce the fear may be letting go of the past
where a certain incident happened which
started or developed our fear.

8. Avoid Returning To

Are you stuck in an addiction? If you currently
face an addiction make your best effort to
transform your life to the better. If you
overcame an addiction you had previously, that
is awesome. Now, what you need to do is
ensure you do not return to your addiction.
Forgetting you even have an addiction and
keeping your mind busy with the present can
help keep your addiction off your mind.

9. Love Yourself

Thinking of the past and some bad situations
that occurred could lead to hating yourself for
what you did and that is never a good thing.
Thus, living the moment and ignoring such
past experiences can help you love yourself,
maybe for the first time!

10. Become Healthier

Health is a very vital thing that needs to be
maintained in order to live life to the fullest.
Unhealthy individuals have difficulty doing
certain activities and you do not want to be
that person. Therefore, let go of your past and
focus on the present, which will make you
healthier as you let go of things that bother

11. Make New Friends

Friends are an essential part of our social life,
without which we cannot survive. Good friends
make our days happier and brighten our lives.
Sticking to the past just has us stuck with our
problems and could make us think like no one
will accept us as a friend, so we need to just
think of the present, which will give us back
our confidence and allow us to befriend new

12. Yesterday Is

Ever heard the term “Yesterday is history”? It
is true, because whatever happened in the past
is just out of our reach and thus is history.
Since history cannot be altered, it only helps to
focus on what is ahead of us.

13. Present Changes

Ever thought carefully about the statement:
“The present changes the past.”? Do you think
that is true? Well, let us take an example of a
supermarket. It has a bad reputation because
their service does not rise up to the required
standards expected by customers. Customer
numbers will decrease and this supermarket
might lose money. However, if they do work
through their problems and restore the quality
and maybe even raise it, it could restore
customer numbers gradually. The concept
works the same way with people.

14. Present Is

The past is important and is something we can
definitely learn from and improve. Moreover,
the present is even more important. This is
because the present is what people see
happening now, where they do not care about
the past and are just interest in the present.

15. Be Free

Freedom is such a blessing that no one could
replace with something else. Freedom is doing
whatever you want, whenever you want, etc.
provided you do not cross other people’s red
lines. Do not deprive yourself of freedom and
do not be the prisoner of your past. Always
think of the present and how you can learn
from your mistakes.

16. Do Not Feel

Misery is such a bad feeling that no one should
get to feel. Misery can lead you to dark areas
that act like a hole which destroys you if you
do not overcome it. Guess what one of the
sources of misery is? Yes, your past is that
source. So we need to pay attention to the
present and not the past.

17. Past Affects Your
Performance Now

Did you ever think of the idea that the past
might be causing you to lack in your
performance? The past can have such an
impact on your performance now by making
you feel like you have done a lot of mistakes in
the past and so your present might not be
pleasant. Thus, forgetting about the past could
help eliminate that thought.

18. Get In The Mindset

Getting in the mindset of living in the present is
important. Getting in the mindset pre-sets your
mind to adopt the notion of living in the
present and not paying attention to distressing
or emotionally harmful events happened in the
past. Doing that along with the mindset helps
people achieve goals in the future.

19. Become Successful

Who does not want to be successful, feel
independent and able to do things they only
dreamed of before? Think of success as a
route from one city to another that are far
apart. Success is not an easy thing to achieve
and you need to travel this long road. Zooming
in, you have sub-routes that act as secondary
roads that lead to this long, direct road. One of
those sub-routes is named “leaving the past
and living the present”.

20. Achieve Goals

This point complements other points and
certainly the point above. Because what is
success other than achievement of goals set by
people depending on their tastes and interests.
In other words, whatever one individual
considers as a success, other individuals might
not agree with.

21. Make Your Days

Happiness is a great characteristic and goal an
individual could aim for every day. Happiness
is contagious and thus does not only benefit
you, but also people around you.

22. Avoid More

Who wants to accumulate more and more
problems under his belt? I mean if anything,
we actually try to get rid and resolve our
problems and issues as they affect us
physically, morally, and emotionally. One way
more problems arise is being stuck in the past
and not hoping for a bright future as you live
the present.

23. Getting a Better
Quality of Life

This concept of a better quality of life lines up
with a lot of the other aforementioned reasons.
Employees work every day exerting blood,
sweat, and tears to provide a roof over their
families’ head and better their quality of life.
This topic is a very touchy one that is relevant
to everyone.

24. Avoid Depression

Depression is a deep sadness that is triggered
by various things depending on the individual.
Depression is never a good place to be and
could cause serious dilemmas. That is why we
need to try to avoid this spot and be optimistic
the whole time. One of the triggers of
depression could be thinking of the past.

25. Living Reality &
Not Memories

Thinking of the present while discarding the
past is essential because you do not want to
get trapped in bad memories, as they will serve
you no good. Instead we need to venture in
reality to develop and improve.

26. Positive Member
Of Society

Playing the role of a positive member in society
is beneficial and helpful to you as an individual
and to society as a whole. Living amidst a
society and not contributing could sometimes
make a person feel useless and powerless.

27. Past Hurts

Ever heard of someone who is trapped in his
past, especially the bad part of it, and is
happy? This would not make sense. This is
because bad memories and incidents in the
past are harmful to us and bring us down.

28. Sense Of

Leaving the past behind us and looking ahead
to the future as we live in the present leaves
us hope for tomorrow. This hope is then
translated into achievements that result in
feeling an ecstatic sense of achievement.
However, being imprisoned by the past and not
looking outside those bars limits us.

29. Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the way we feel about our
abilities and self and is linked to confidence.
Focusing on the past can never help us boost
our self-esteem, but living the moment while
ignoring the bitter past could definitely help us
with our self-esteem.

30. Setting Goals

Setting goals is related to achieving goals in
that to achieve a goal you must set and define
a goal in the first place. Thus, thinking of the
past discourages you of even setting goals
since you feel that if you set a goal you will
never achieve it.

31. Consider Others’

Have you ever been advised by another person
who is wiser and has vast experience to let go
of the past? I am sure people face problems
and lay it on the table and ask their parents to
jump to help with that. If you have been
offered such an advice, take it.

32. Disturbed Peace Of

Has it happened to you that you are sitting,
watching TV on a sunny Saturday afternoon
when unconsciously a thought flashes in your
mind? This sometimes happen but it would
disturb your peace of mind if this thought is
actually of a bad situation that occurred in the
past. Even though this thought was really out
of your hands you need to try to think of
anything different to avoid thinking deeply of
that past event.

33. Be A Role Model

It brings great pleasure and a good,
overwhelming feeling when you are considered
by others to be their role model. Initially to
become a role model you need to have gone
through your past and let go of it, so you can
advise other to do the same.
Having these tips in mind every day can
certainly help you leave your past behind and
turn over a new leaf. Do you have any to add?
Let us know in the comments below.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

15 Unforgettable Quotes From The Tao Of Pooh

We’ve collected fifteen of the best, most
unforgettable quotes from The Tao of Pooh by
Benjamin Hoff to inspire and empower you.

1. “When you know
and respect your own
inner nature, you
know where you
belong. You also know
where you don’t

2. “Lots of people talk
to animals… Not very
many listen though…
that’s the problem.”

3. “The surest way to
become Tense,
Awkward, and
Confused is to develop
a mind that tries too
hard – one that thinks
too much.”

5. “Things just happen
in the right way, at
the right time. At least
when you let them,
when you work with
circumstances instead
of saying, ‘This isn’t
supposed to be
happening this way,’
and trying harder to
make it happen some
other way.”

6. “I think, therefore I
am… confused.”

7. “No matter how
useful we may be,
sometimes it takes us
a while to recognize
our own value.”

9. “If people were
superior to animals,
they’d take good care
of them.”

10. “The wise know
their limitations; the
foolish do not.”

11. “A clever mind is
not a heart.
Knowledge doesn’t
really care, wisdom

13. “When you discard
complexity, and a few
other things that get
in the way, sooner or
later you will discover
that simple, childlike,
and mysterious secret
known to those of the
Uncarved Block: Life
is Fun.”

14. “A way of life that
keeps saying ‘Around
the next corner, above
the next step,’ works
against the natural
order of things and
makes it so difficult to
be happy and good.”

15. “The wise are who
they are. They work
with what they’ve got
and do what they can

Saturday, 26 September 2015

3 Tricks For Getting Things Done In Less Time

We always seek and love to find ways to get
things done in less time; to make more use of
our time and invest it in the right areas. Time
is very important and is something we cannot
underestimate; time is money. Sometimes we
do not give the right evaluation to time. Let us
think of an example where life is a really
critical factor. Imagine a doctor that is
performing a surgery or a detailed procedure.
Do you think time is important in this situation
or could the surgeon take his time? Of course
time is extremely important to time everything,
because missing out on something or taking a
longer time on something can be the difference
between life and death.

Here are 3 tricks for getting things done in less

1. Wake Up Earlier

Do you get to sleep and wake up early? It
could be one of the things you add on your list
for more productivity. Time is a tricky aspect of
life; if not used correctly, it can lead to the
loss of many things and the incompletion of
many tasks.
However, if you have the habit of sleeping
early; getting enough rest and then waking up
early your mornings could be more effective.
Usually our brains are more active and focused
in the morning and so waking up early can help
you finish important tasks in less time and get
those out of the way. Doing so can help leave
the less important things for later in the day
when you might not be at your peak mental

2. Brainstorm

Are you a person that when working on a new
topic and project, brainstorms and tries to lay
out on the table as many ideas as possible?
Well, if you do not already, try it out.
Brainstorming is the act of saying whatever
comes to your mind and writing those ideas
down. There are people that lay a main idea in
the center and then draw lines from there and
link them to other sub-ideas.
Do not limit yourself, just go ahead and write
whatever comes to mind. This eventually could
help you find the idea(s) you were looking for
or bring your attention to a practical, suitable
solution to a problem you have. Whether the
brainstormed ideas are applicable or not, it is
important to get them out of your head,
because you never know which idea could be
beneficial and useful. This could help save time
because without brainstorming, it could take
longer to think of something.

3. Focus On The
Important Tasks

Focusing on the important tasks and thus
setting practical goals that would move you
this extra mile towards your goal is important
because it saves you time. Instead of thinking
of unimportant activities and filling up your to-
do list all the way to the top, save some time
and set timely goals that can be achieved in
the assigned time.

In conclusion, time is very important to each
and every one of us and thus we need to make
use of it appropriately. Make as much use of
your time, because once it is gone it will not
return. You can never redeem time and time
could be the difference between success and
failure .
Above are just a few tricks for getting things
done in less time. Do you have any to add?

Charge for everyone

Check out @Chapstar4eva's Tweet:

Thursday, 24 September 2015

9 Clever Ways To Say “No” That Won’t Hurt

Saying no can be hard and embarrassing. Often
easier to say yes, this response is often
avoided or you find yourself in a situation you
do not want to be in. It is often also seen as a
harsh response that can make some people feel
isolated and rejected. Often people say yes
even when they are under a lot of stress and
often our “yes” ends up not playing out to the
disappointment of others.
Instead of creating strain and tension in
relationships, try these 9 clever ways to say
no. Below are ways to say “no” without
seeming cruel and upsetting. Whether to a
boss or loved one, overcome the fear of saying
no and be honest and truthful.
In just 5 mins, when you finish your first audio
session, you'll instantly notice you haven't felt
so good, and so relieved in years! Who's the
lucky one that's going to feel much HAPPIER

1. Setting Your
Boundaries “No”

By setting up your personal boundaries you can
effectively express to someone why you are
declining something. Perhaps start with a
response such as “I can tell you what I can
do…” This is an indication that you will only go
so far. This response is also compromising,
meaning that you are willing to cooperate with
someone but only to a certain extent. “I can
definitely go hiking with you but I do not think I
can jog up the mountain.”

2. The Explanation

This “no” response is much more common in
people who do reject to do something or want
to get a point across to someone who is doing
something they do not agree with. By
explaining, you make it clear and
understandable why an action warrants a “no.”
This response is also great for children as it
also teaches them why not to do something.
“You shouldn’t pull the cat’s tail because he
may not like that and scratch you.”

3. The Honest “No”

Being honest not only feels good it gets you
where you want and need to be. An honest
response is a grateful response in any situation
for both the speaker and the listener. It is
definitely better than ignoring or forgetting
something. The more honest you are, the
easier it becomes to confidently stay honest.
Others also tend to react well to honesty.


For instance, if someone continues to ask you
out on a date but you do not desire to go, an
honest “no I’m sorry but thank you I am
flattered” can certainly get a point across. By
making positive remarks along with your
honest “no” you keep the situation from getting
too awkward.

4. The Creating
Laughter Humorous

The funniest way to say no is by throwing a
little humor into your response. Need an
example? Perhaps a friend asks you to go to
the park with them but you honestly just do
not feel like it. “I would go to the park with you
but the last time I went I was thrown out for
not sharing the slide at the playground.”
Hopefully they will see the joke in this and get
the message.
The humorous no means making your response
clear yet adding a brief story or something to
divert the heavy feelings that may come with
the negative response. It also lets the other
person know that you have no hard feelings
against them, rather you just prefer to avoid
something which they should understand.

5. The Next Time
Sounds Better “No”

Also a popularly way of saying no, “maybe next
time” is a good way to get out of a situation
that you may not want to be in at the moment.
Although this response can free you from a
present obligation, if you do not intend to do it
next time think of another way of saying no
lightly. An example includes “That sounds
great, but let me know if it happens again
another time and maybe I can get involved
then.” This is definitely a more comfortable
way of saying no especially if you cannot do
something at the moment that someone wants
you to do it.

6. The I Am Already
Busy “No”

You cannot help it if you are already busy with
something. It is best not to agree to do too
much that you cannot handle. Example
responses include “Sorry but I have to finish up
some things first. I do not think I will have the
time” work well. Remember to sound sure and
add a little firmness in your response or else
people will not take you seriously and keep
asking. Explain why something is important
and offer to do something on another day.

7. The Negotiators

This clever response is a great way to say no
without actually saying no. Have you ever
negotiated something before? You can
negotiate and bargain just about everything.
This tactic works well with adults and children
but is probably not a good response with your
For instance, maybe your partner wants to
watch an action flick but you would rather
watch a comedy. Responses such as “Okay,
let’s make a deal. I will watch the action flick
with you next time if you watch this comedy
with me first. Comedies have a little action in
them too and you can enjoy a good laugh with
me.” Not only do you get the point across, you
also reason with the other person, a smart and
witty way of getting out of something you
don’t want to do and maybe getting something
you do want.

8. The Uninterested

This response can be a tough one to express
without seeming too unconcerned with
someone else’s pursuits. You don’t want to
hurt the other person’s feelings by sounding
uninterested but you can definitely pass on
something that you just cannot see yourself
really enjoying. An example can be “I wish I
knew more about art, but unfortunately I have
just never really gotten into visiting art
This lets the other person know that you have
other interests and therefore you might not be
the person they should ask to accompany them
somewhere that would not be enjoyable for you
both. Not being able to enjoy something is
truly time consuming and perhaps not a good
way to make a connection with someone you
care for. How to get around this with children?
That is another story all together!

9. The Pleasant and
Complimenting “No”

“That is quite a delicious looking cake and
absolutely beautiful. Great job on baking it. I
would have a slice but unfortunately I am on a
diet!” This is a pleasant way of saying “thanks
but no thanks” and compliments the other
person while also maintaining peace. This
clever response is perfect during any situation
and keeps everything lighthearted and pleasant
between everyone.
Although saying no can be hard it does not
have to be. These clever ways of saying no,
are great ways for creating no hard feelings
and keeps the peace. Do not let negative
responses get to you too much. Turning
anyone down can create a bit of resentment
but let it go and keep on going .
You can only do so much to keep others happy
and only so much to keep yourself feeling
good. Whether speaking to a child, friend, or at
the work place, finding clever ways to say no
alters the energy in any given moment in a
positive way.
Do you have a clever way of saying no that
has worked well for you? Tell us in the
comments below.

12 Things Really Wealthy People Did to Get Ahead

Want to get ahead financially and in your
career? Follow in the footsteps of giants.

Everyone wants to achieve wealth and financial
freedom, but very few actually go on to rack up
the seven-figure bank accounts they dream
about. In fact, it's commonly suggested that
Americans don't identify as poor; instead, they
see themselves as temporarily embarrassed
So what gives? How can it be that so many
people list "being wealthy" as a goal, when
American consumers owe more than $11.85
trillion in household debt (up 1.7 percent from
last year)?
It turns out, becoming wealthy may be less
about your inherent intelligence (or, for that
matter, about your inheritance), and more
about the habits you practice and the mindset
you maintain. Want to know how the wealthy
got ahead? Check out the following 12 traits of
the super rich:

1. Play the money game to win.

So many people dream of having enough
money to "become financially
comfortable." Unfortunately, this is too vague
to work in most cases. Wealthy people have a
specific endgame in mind -- to become rich
and stay rich. They take on projects and
tangible ventures that result in real-life wealth.
You have to think like a rich person to become

2. Always know their net worth.

At any given time, a person with substantial
amounts of money can tell you exactly how
much they have. Most of us know how much
is in the bank, give or take a few dollars. The
super rich, however, know the ins and outs of
every part of their wealth; and if there is
something they aren't sure of, one phone call
separates them from an immediate answer.
The real difference here isn't the knowledge
itself -- it's the amount of time the super rich
spend working with their money. Financial
speaker Brian Tracy argues this distinction,
claiming, "The average adult spends two to
three hours each month studying and thinking
about their money, usually at bill-paying time.
The average self-made millionaire, by contrast,
spends 20 to 30 hours per month thinking
about, studying, and planning his finances."

3. Broaden the bookshelf instead
buying a bigger television.

According to Thomas Corley, 78 percent of poor
people veg out on reality TV, while only 6
percent of rich people spend their time on this
type of programming. What do they do
instead? Read books. Whether they're
increasing their financial knowledge or studying
another subject that'll increase their earning
power, wealthy people know that education is
the key to a successful financial future.

4. Hang out with people they want to

As the saying goes, you become the average of
the five people you associate with most often.
Wealthy people don't hang around people who
make poor financial choices. It's not because
they look down on others of less net worth,
rather that they realize they will become more
like the people they spend time around, so they
choose their friends and acquaintances wisely.

5. Focus on the big picture.

Good things will happen and bad things will
happen, and you won't know when either is
coming. But wealthy people take advantage of
this fact. They celebrate the amazing
opportunities life has to offer, yet they waste
little time being upset about things they can't
change. Rather, those with substantial wealth
choose to set their gaze on the long run and
work toward creating an enjoyable future for

6. Face their problems.

Many people run from their problems,
especially financial ones . They bury their heads
in the sand, hoping issues such as bad debt or
an underwater mortgage will disappear.
Wealthy people face their problems head on.
While it may sting in the short run, rich people
recognize that your overall loss of money and
time can be diminished if you face up to the
problem sooner.

7. Constantly develop new skills and

Last year's methods and tricks are outdated.
The only thing that remains the same year
after year is this: everything changes, and it
changes quickly. Those in the bracket of high
net worth educate themselves and learn the
newest techniques and breakthroughs. This
allows them to build their wealth even further
by generating a sustainable competitive edge.

8. Step outside their comfort zone.

You can only go so far and make so much
money within a certain arena. Every situation
has a ceiling -- and it's usually padded with a
comfort zone. In order to build their fortune,
wealthy people know they'll have to expand
their horizons and step beyond what they've
known thus far. But they don't just think about
it -- they do it, taking the uncomfortable steps
and entering a world of new opportunities.

9. Say "no" when it's appropriate.

Not every deal is a good deal. Those who are
serious about their money, even when the
stakes are high, have the confidence to walk
away from poor investments -- and will walk
away alone if no one agrees with them.

10. Set goals and visualize.

Goals that are never set are rarely achieved.
Rich people document their goals and follow
through by tracking their progress. They know
exactly what they want to achieve and what
they must do to get there.

11. Network, network, network.

It's no secret that most great deals come from
those you know. Rich people take advantage of
this and network like crazy. It has been said
many times -- and I completely agree -- if you
want to become rich, never each lunch alone.

12. Take risks, but never gamble.

that have the potential to pay huge dividends
-- but not before spending a lot of time
researching and looking into the deal. Rich
people are all about investing, but only if the
risk and potential return validates it.
Do you share any of these traits with the rich?
Share your thoughts and experiences by
leaving a comment below:

By Sujan Patel

Monday, 21 September 2015

13 Things You’ve Been Doing All Wrong

Do you feel like there’s something you’ve been
doing all wrong and don’t know what to
change or do about it? Sometimes, we’re under
the impression that we’re doing things right
even though we aren’t. Do you think you need
an alert to know what you’re doing wrong?
Here are the warning signs you’ve been waiting
for, the wake-up call you need.

The first step is detecting and identifying the
problem. Using this list, sit down and think of
what you’ve been doing wrong and what you
can do to improve the issue. Be aware that
resolving these points requires determination
and focus.

Next, go ahead and lay out a plan to solve the
issue so that the problem doesn’t occur again.
If you think about it, knowing that you’ve been
doing something wrong can be a blessing

Below are some of the things you’ve been
doing wrong all the time:

1. Communication

Communication, as you know, is really
essential and valuable in our communities.
Without communication, life would not be as
you know it today: the technology, civilization,
and advancement.
Communication has a lot of rules that we
should abide by. On one side of a conversation,
we should have a clear speaker that expresses
his ideas and thoughts effectively. On the other
hand, we need a great listener that doesn’t
interrupt a lot and listens closely and carefully.
Unfortunately, we don’t obey these rules
closely a lot of the times, creating arguments
and fights that could be avoided. It is as
simple as having each party do his part and
we will have better communications and less of
the arguing and disagreement.

2. Scheduling

Let’s ask ourselves a question and answer
honestly: Do we have our daily tasks and
activities scheduled, or do we just go with the
flow and do as much as we can each day?
Maybe on some days we have a good schedule,
and some other days we just let time pass by.
Scheduling is very important, as it allows us to
be more organized and accomplish things in a
faster, more effective manner to bring about
pleasing outcomes.
Start taking control of your life and prioritize
the various activities you have going in your
life. Believe it or not, this could be a struggle
for some people. But be determined to get
things done.
Some people are able to schedule their days,
but do it incorrectly, maybe not putting the
most important things first or misjudging what
the most important things are.

3. Waking Up

Have you ever hit the snooze button on an
alarm clock before you wake up completely and
get out of bed? I am pretty sure all of us have
tried it at least once recently. We are usually
under the impression that if we hit the snooze
button, we can sleep for an extra 10 or 15
minutes before going to work or school.
However, sleep experts have said that snoozing
provides low quality, broken sleep and causes
your body to start a new sleeping cycle that
you cannot complete.
So, if you thought that you would be getting
some more sleep and more energy to power
through your day, you could be wrong. In fact,
this could actually cause you to feel even more
lazy and sleepier later on. Try to be smart and
have the will to cut the habit. Do your best to
get up as soon as your first alarm goes off.
This might help you feel more awake
throughout the morning.

4. Breakfast

Are you a person that wakes up extra early in
the morning to make sure you get your
breakfast? You might have heard this a
thousand times or not heard it at all, but
breakfast is the most important meal of your
day. We commonly skip breakfast without
realizing it or fill ourselves up with a bad
breakfast. Doing this could lead you to have
low energy, headaches, or hunger later in the
day because you did not fuel your body with
correct nutrition early in the morning. Choose
your breakfast wisely and fill up with good
nutrition that will boost your energy and mood
throughout the day.

5. Morning Rush

Are you the type of individual that always finds
yourself rushing out the door every morning
because you have a lot to do and don’t have
time? Are your mornings hectic and busy even
before the day starts? One solution to reducing
morning stress is to take extra time every
night to prepare your lunch, clothing, or other
items that you know you’ll need. Or, wake up
earlier every morning to make sure you don’t
have to rush.

6. Not Making Use Of
Essential Time

What is one of the first things we do when we
wake up or arrive at work? Instead of making
good use of the morning, when we are
sharpest and alert and where our concentration
tends to be at its peak, we often spend this
precious time doing the least important tasks
of the day. We might even get distracted
with work chats, responding to unimportant
emails, and checking our social media outlets.
Why don’t we save these activities for when we
need a break or when our energy is on the low
side of the day? Start taking advantage of the
morning to finish some of the more important,
alert-requiring, and energy-demanding tasks.

7. Rewarding Yourself

Doing the wrong things in life can result in
unpleasant outcomes that tend to serve as a
lesson or a wake-up call. Similarly, we should
reward ourselves when it comes to doing the
right things to motivate ourselves and prepare
for success each day.
It can be tough to get out of bed in the
mornings, and this is lack of motivation.

Therefore, it is vital that we start off the day
with something we love to do in order to
improve and boost our mood. Starting your
day on a good note can happen as a result of a
20 minute stretching period, watching a few
minutes of your favorite morning show,
enjoying a delicious coffee, or listening to your
favorite music.

8. Not Stretching

Oh, stretching! Stretching does not have to be
something that you do just before exercising
and training. It is vital to do on a regular basis
every morning. No matter how many times we
bring it up, we cannot emphasize enough how
important this is.

There are many reasons why morning
stretching is praised, including improving
posture, reducing pain, helping to increase
blood circulation and energy, and (most
importantly) to prevent injury. As we know,
prevention is better than curing, so stretching
should be on the top of our to-do list every
day. It doesn’t take that much time at all!

9. Procrastination

Ever tried this act known as “procrastination”?
That means leaving an assignment, task, or
activity until the last moment. It could also
be postponing or delaying something. In this
busy world, we’ve all done it: we agree that we
will execute a certain task today, but end up
completing it just before the deadline.
To prevent procrastinating, perform a task as
soon as you are able to, and as far ahead as
possible. For example, let’s say you’re given a
math assignment due next week, and you’re
free today in the evening. Knowing that you
already learned the concept and understand it,
go ahead and start it (or even finish it) that
evening. It will reduce worry.

10. Not Hydrating

This is something we do not really take care of
or think about, but is surely something
important and vital to our health and
wellbeing. We have all heard about the fact
that drinking a lot of water is part of feeling
and looking well and healthy. Critical times to
hydrate include mornings, since your body is
fasting during the night and requires water as
well as other nutrients to start its metabolism.

Drinking water after waking up also boosts
digestion and that is why you might feel like
water clears your system.

11. Planning

Planning is related to scheduling and
organizing your day, yet is different than
scheduling. Scheduling is done for tasks that
have already been planned. So planning
precedes scheduling.
Planning is important, because without a plan
everything could easily fall apart.

Similarly, a
good plan of attack in the mornings could help
you gain control of your day and thus
contribute to getting more tasks done. All you
need is a few minutes the night before, or early
in the morning, to organize your day and have
goals set clearly.

12. Delaying Exercise

Exercise is such an important part of our lives
that we should always incorporate it, whether
we are home, outside, or even on a vacation
trip. One common misconception people have
is that to exercise, you need to go to a gym.

No you don’t, you can just run a few laps
around the house or do push-ups and sit-ups
inside the house.
If you find yourself delaying or postponing
exercise because you feel exhausted at the end
of the day, shift your exercise period to the
morning and start off your mornings fresh.

Exercising as long as 20 minutes is enough
every morning, and doing it every morning
guarantees that your exercise will get done
every day.

13. Allowing
Negativity To Get To

Negativity is something that, if believed and
implemented, could be disastrous in your daily
life. Sometimes negativity is disguised as the
only solution to a problem, where we think
there is absolutely no other way we can resolve
the issue. Building negativity over time not
only affects you, but also affects loved ones
and others around you.
Being surrounded by negative people could be
the worst. Do not surround yourself with
negative people that will make you unhappy
and bring you down, draining all the positivity
you possess. Ultimately it is up to you to allow
someone to get to you and cause you distress.
Sometimes it’s hard, but just try to be calm
and don’t let them do it.
There are numerous things we do wrong
and we don’t even notice it.

Sometimes we
even ignore red flags and signs that we are
headed for a fall. This is why we need to start
being proactive and unafraid to opening our
“case file” and “shred” the negativity that we
don’t want. Discarding a “corrupted file” could
end up benefiting us and allowing us to make a
U-turn for the better. Look for your errors and
correct them.

Now it’s your turn. What else have you been
doing wrong and how’d you fix it?

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Woman with world's biggest breasts needs love

Annie Hawkins-Turner, is world famous for
having the biggest breasts. Now she wants to
fall in love again.

If you are a man that loves them huge and large,
then the world famous Annie Hawkins-Turner ,
aka Norma Stitz , the woman who has been
recognised by the Guinness Book of World
Records as the woman with the biggest boobs
» needs love.
Turner, a website entrepreneur and fetish model
whose stage name is a word-play on the phrase
'enormous tits', » has a breast whose size is
said to be 102ZZZ with each of them weighing
around 56 pounds (25 kg), according to the UK
magazine show, 'This Morning'.
Turner who is a mother of two children, was
married for 13 years to her late husband Alan, a
retired Air Force officer who died in 2003, and
now, she says she is ready to mingle again, only
if she finds the right man.
She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work
from Jackson State University and a Master of
Science Degree in Marketing Management from
Strayer University which she obtained this year.
The Guinness Book of World Records has
certified her the possessor of the world's largest
natural breasts.
Turner currently wears a US size 52I bra, the
largest made, but by American bra estimation,
these measurements would put her in a 48V bra,
which is not manufactured.
The record maker says of her mammoth
"I just started growing, and kept right on. I
started wearing a bra when I was in third grade,
and it was a regular grown-up woman's bra. I
don't remember ever wearing a training bra."
On receiving the Guinness World Record Award,
Turner said:
"It made me feel like a million bucks. It's such
an honour. This will go down in history. It's
something I will always cherish."
So who is man enough to get on?

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

My Father Had s3x With Me Twice With Condom T0 Test My Virgiinity

A 14-year-old girl (name withheld) said she felt bad and humiliated after she was defiled twice by her father. The culprit, Adeboye Waheed, 48, has been arrested by policemen attached to Zone 2, Onikan, Lagos. The suspect, who was paraded before journalists yesterday, blamed the act on strange influence which befell him. The victim lives with her father, step mother and four siblings on Adama Araro Street in Ikorodu area of Lagos.
According to New Telegraph, the lid was blown open when the victim, an SS1 student of Araromi Isoju Grammar School in Ikorodu, ran to a near-by church to report her ordeal. She said: “My father started checking my private part, to check if I have started mensuration in 2014. On a particular day in November of the same year, I was sleeping on the floor of our one room apartment in the night, he removed my rapper. My step mother was not around that day. “He used his fingers to touch my private part and asked if I was menstruating. He also asked me if anybody had ever had s*x with me, I said no. He said he would use his joystick to test me to confirm the truth. That was how he forced his ‘manhood’ on me and covered my mouth not to shout. “From that time, I started bleeding till morning when I became weak and he did nothing. He warned me not to let anybody know.”

The victim said her father repeated the act on March 5 this year. She added: “I was browsing with someone’s phone in the house when he asked me to remove my clothes. He put on condom and had s*x with me.
I felt very bad inside me but I could do nothing.

The next day, I packed my belongings and ran away from the house to a near-by church. “I really felt humiliated. Before I left, I threw away all the condoms he bought and dropped a note that he should not look for me. At the church, I narrated what happened to me to them and they took the matter to the police.” Waheed, who earlier refuted the allegation, claimed that a strange influence came upon him and he did not know what he was doing. He said: “Please police, journalists forgive me; I don’t know what came over me. I have been beaten thoroughly by Oodua People’s Congress (OPC) boys; that is why my eyes are swollen.”

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Why You Should Write Down What You Accomplished At The End Of Every Day

Because we can often focus too much on the negative aspects of our lives, finding ways to illuminate what is good can be a wonderful technique in getting us feeling great when we wake each morning and great as we lay down to sleep.

Instead of focusing on the negative things in your life, find ways to illuminate what is good. CLICK TO TWEET

Here are 10 reasons why writing down what you accomplished at the end of the day can be a good way to remember what is good in your life and bring you closer to a positive reality. Whether you like to write or not, consider this exercise as an end of the day reflection on your wellbeing. Read further and reflect on the following reasons to write down your accomplishments.            
1. See How Far You’ve Come

Writing down what you’ve accomplished is a good way to look back at how far you have come. By writing down accomplishments you can see how far you have come especially when compared to where you may have started.

Not to say that where you may have started was necessarily bad but where you are now shows signs of natural human progress. And whether you have a goal you wish to achieve or not, writing down what you have done can be an encouraging reminder of how hard you worked to get to where you are in the present.

2. Remember Where You Want To Go
It can also be a way to help you in figuring out your niche and where you want to go with your future. There is no problem in looking back in your past especially when it helps encourage you under your present circumstances.

Writing down accomplishments reminds us to keep on moving ahead as we reach for our goals and passions. If you do have a passion and defined goals, writing down what you have accomplished and what you still need to do to get there can be a support mechanism to keep you moving ahead.

3. Celebrate Your Strengths & Acknowledge Your Weaknesses          
Writing down accomplishments keeps you feeling positive about your inner strengths and makes you aware of your weaknesses that you can improve on. Ever wonder what your inner strengths are and whether you have room for improvement?

Feeling positive about life begins with taking steps in the right direction. CLICK TO TWEET
By writing down your experiences you can gain a better overall insight of your strengths and weaknesses, an important part of learning. Feeling positive about life begins with taking steps in the right direction. Acknowledging your forte and your limitations is a progressive move that reaffirms purpose and gives us steady ground to move on as individuals.

4. Record How You’ve Overcome  Obstacles.                                             
Writing down accomplishments reminds us how resilient we can be. No matter what may have served as a road block during our day, we were still able to continue doing what we needed to do and end the day knowing how hard we worked to get there.

For days when life seems a little too tough, looking back at written examples of how you overcame similar situations can leave you feeling confident enough to get through whatever it is you are dealing with currently. So persevere and stand strong during all obstacles. At the end of the day, write down how this made you feel, how you went about it, and how you will learn from the experience.

5. Use It For Support                             
Maybe you find that encouragement and the motivation you need to keep on going is not really there in your life. Sometimes a journal can serve as a motivational and therapeutic tool. One that definitely does not replace the need for human support but that can again, help you realize your inner strength during tough times. Look to your journal as being that friend who is there for you when you feel no one else is.

6. Reduce Stress                                  
Writing down accomplishments can ease stress at the end of the day. Stress can not only harm the way we think and feel about ourselves and those around us, it can really wear us out emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Stress can really wear you out - emotionally, physically, and spiritually. CLICK TO TWEET
Often when we feel stress, we tend to forget to be optimistic. Stress can really eat you alive. Consider taking time out of the day and think about all you have and be content with it. Think about all that you have done during the day and seek to do greater.

Perhaps your stress has a lot to do with feeling like you are not doing enough. Look at what you have done, relish in your accomplishments and seek out ways you can do greater on a bigger level. Do not see this as a stressful endeavor, rather think of it in terms of peace. A way to eliminate that stress that keeps you from understanding the world we live in and becoming all the more wise.

7. Find Your Purpose.                           
Writing down accomplishments reminds us how great we are and that our life has purpose after all. We begin to realize our dreams and seek to make them come true once we realize our purpose. Finding purpose is perhaps the most fulfilling thing we can experience.

Take a step towards this fulfillment and devote a little bit of time at the end of your day to mediate on and express how certain things made you feel. You will definitely be glad you did!

8. Feel Good                                          
Writing down accomplishments feels good. Regardless of how big or small our accomplishments may be, they are still worthy of our acknowledgment. Not only does it make you feel good in knowing what you have done, it also makes you look good.

Writing down accomplishments and acknowledging them instead of forgetting, brings out your good side. The end of the day is the best time to do this. You go to bed feeling great and wake up feeling even greater. Let those positive thoughts fill your mind.

9. Cultivate Gratitude                           
Writing down accomplishments makes us more grateful and aware. Not only do we become more aware of our strengths and weaknesses, we become aware of the world around us and what we do as individuals to keep it going.

Being conscious and grateful is essential to our overall wellbeing and happiness. Gratitude for what we have at the moment also brings us closer to what we want. So enjoy what you have at the moment and try and remember it. Write down your accomplishments and be grateful for the small success you have each day at a time.

10. Sleep Soundly                                
Writing down accomplishments at the end of the day is a great reminder of a job well done. Give yourself a pat on the back because yes, you do deserve it. You have worked hard indeed, gotten through the day and gotten through some hardships as well as enjoyed some pleasures.

You are living and you are making the most of your situation each time you wake, you conquer the day. Before you go to bed, remind yourself why this is so great and why you deserve happiness. Write it down, smile, and allow comfort and joy to envelope you and guide you into a peaceful sleep.

Isn’t it amazing how much greatness a simple thing such as writing down accomplishments at the end of the day can be? Take a share of the greatness, find a good journal, and get to writing.

You never know when you may want to look back and need a reminder of how far you have come and how accomplished you actually really are.

Barack Obama Shows Supports as Gay Marriage is Legalised Across the Nation

By far the most controversial and most powerful piece of news that has surfaced today and yes it is true! 
Friday 26th June 2015, the US Supreme court ruled in favour of Gay Marriages across the United states in a 5-4 vote.

The majority of states in the USA had legally allowed gay marriages, moreover, today the 14 outstanding states including Georgia, Texas and Michigan were forced to lift their bans. The event led to a
flood of emotions and celebration and the police even allowed a crowd of supporters to stream into the court plaza crying out 'Love has won' as they waved their rainbow flags in the air (with the rainbow symbolising 'gay pride').

The US president, Barack Obama, even expressed his support for this ruling with the phrase 'Today, we can say, in no uncertain terms, that we have made our union a little more perfect'. In fact, multiple couples in various states were already picking up their marriage licenses minutes after the ruling struck down the ban!
What do we have to say about this? Is this really what Our Maker designed us for? I'm interested to hear what you guys think about this one! 

Saturday, 27 June 2015

One justice makes big difference in US gay marriage ruling

He was appointed in the 1980s under the conservative presidency of Ronald Reagan, but Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has gone on to become perhaps the most important gay rights supporter in the American legal system.

The gray-haired 78-year-old cemented that position Friday when he wrote the majority opinion for the five judges — or justices as they are known — who ruled to allow gay marriage across the United States.

“No union is more profound than marriage for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family,” Kennedy said, his deep voice resonating around the solemn surroundings of the Supreme Court.

“In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.”

All eyes were fixed on him. Without Kennedy — who soon found himself trending on Twitter — gay marriage would not have been legalized at the federal level.

That’s because Kennedy is seen as an important “swing vote,” siding with the court’s four liberal judges instead of the conservative bloc on some issues — including gay marriage.

Friday’s momentous ruling was met with jubilation by many same-sex couples, including those who had been living in the 13 states that banned gay marriage.

“Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions,” Kennedy said in his ruling.

“They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.”

– ‘A humanitarian’ –

“Justice Kennedy has become probably the most powerful jurist in the entire world because he’s the point on so many issues before the Supreme Court of the US, and though he only has one vote, his vote literally changes most cases,” said Mary Margaret Penrose, law professor at Texas A&M University.

David Cruz, an expert from the University of Southern California Gould law school, said that without Kennedy’s vote, states would have remained free to exclude same-sex couples from civil marriage.
Kennedy was the “favorite to write the decision that extends same-sex marriage nationwide,” Cruz said.

In the past, Kennedy — who is considered moderate — has taken positions on civil rights that demonstrate his “flexibility” in interpreting the Constitution, lawyer Lisa Linsky said.

“His positions and decisions in major civil rights cases over the years demonstrate that he is a humanitarian,” she said.

“His constitutional scholarship is rooted in common sense and the recognition that societies, attitudes and institutions change and evolve.”

Legal analyst Elizabeth Wydra told AFP that Kennedy’s words would be immortalized in the “Obergefell v. Hodges” ruling, as the case is known.

“With this ruling, Justice Kennedy has ensured that his name will be forever linked with the recognition of equal rights for gay men and lesbians,” Wydra said.

“He has used language so sweeping and powerful to describe the desire for equal dignity that it brings a tear to the eye.”
– No coincidence –

Kennedy had already authored three major decisions affecting gay rights in America, each a significant step towards Friday’s historic ruling.

In 1996, Kennedy wrote the decision in the landmark “Romer v. Evans” case on the protection of civil rights for gays and lesbians. In 2003, the court struck down anti-sodomy laws in “Lawrence v. Texas.”

And in 2013 in “United States v. Windsor” Kennedy wrote the majority opinion against the Defense of Marriage Act.

The decision to hand down the ruling in the “Obergefell” case Friday was likely no accident, as June 26 was also the date in the years when Kennedy and the court released the rulings in “Lawrence” and “Windsor.”

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

It Took Me A Minute To Figure Out What This Dad Was Doing… Then It Made Me Cry!

Fathers are superheroes. They have certain characteristics that always amazed me. For example, my father always knew when I was lying. And he knew when mom already said no but I thought I would try my luck with him instead. My father always knew exactly what to say to scare my boyfriends. And my personal favorite: my father could fix anything!!

Fathers are superheroes. CLICK TO TWEET
Fathers have a unique ability to repair even the most broken toys. And it doesn’t stop there – they come up with amazing solutions for problems I didn’t even know existed. Every day they made life a little easier and a little better with their clever ideas. Dad the builder – can he fix it? YES HE CAN!                          
Dad makes life little easier and a whole lot better.                                    
In this video, a caring father comes up with a creative solution to make his daughter smile. Just wait until the end – you won’t even see it coming!

I love the look on her face when she sees what he did. Watch the video to see what this brilliant man does for his daughter, and please SHARE this with a superhero father in your life!

The Top 3 Gadgets in 2015

2) G Drive Ev SSD

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technological support.

The Top 3 Gadgets in 2015

3) Live scribe Echo Pen

The Live scribe Echo is the unique
combination of a ball point pen and a voice
recorder. The main function of this device is
to conserve electronic copies of notes and
recordings – these can later be played,
saved on the computer or shared with
others. The Echo smart pen is a revelation
for students and professionals who
consistently take, evaluate, and share
written notes. The Echo smart pen has the
same motto as all other great technological
devices: it makes our life easier.
In this paper-less age, all ideas dictated on
papers in this digital age need make their
way into a computer. The entire process
becomes tedious: notes have to be retyped,
recordings transcribed, and drawings need
to be scanned. But with the smart pen, the
dilemma of capturing written notes and
voice messages in a digital arrangement is

It thus becomes convenient to have a device
that can astutely sync written notes with

The Top 3 Gadgets in 2015

Good technological corporations tackle
problems we didn’t think we had before. If
you are a technology savvy person, then
these three great devices must make it to
your list :

1) Logitech Bluetooth Multi – Device

Logitech’s new K480 Bluetooth Multi Device
Keyboard might make selecting your cellular
devices while using a computer seems like a
problem, but it solves it really well. The
K480 allows you to keep your focus—
especially your hands—directly on your key
board. The Bluetooth Multi Device Keyboard
permits you to exchange key board
functionality amongst three gadgets
(computer, mobile phone and tablet) by
using a plain dial. The K480 is the first multi
device key board ever to be made and it has
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However, one must one know of the one
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all the keys that you would normally find on
a full sizes keyboard, so it might not be a
good substitute of your desktop key board.

The five devices that will make you feel like you’re in the future

1) Cooking: Crock-Pot Smart Slow Cooker

This slow cooker hardly needs you. Just put
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and then look over the cooking from
anywhere with your mobile phone. You can
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— to turn up the heat or to increase the
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world but still make sure that your dinner is
warm and waiting for you. It doesn’t let you
tweet or look at Google calendar like
Samsung’s well-known smart fridge, but
then why would you have time for that,
when dinner is before you?