Saying no can be hard and embarrassing. Often
easier to say yes, this response is often
avoided or you find yourself in a situation you
do not want to be in. It is often also seen as a
harsh response that can make some people feel
isolated and rejected. Often people say yes
even when they are under a lot of stress and
often our “yes” ends up not playing out to the
disappointment of others.
Instead of creating strain and tension in
relationships, try these 9 clever ways to say
no. Below are ways to say “no” without
seeming cruel and upsetting. Whether to a
boss or loved one, overcome the fear of saying
no and be honest and truthful.
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1. Setting Your
Boundaries “No”
By setting up your personal boundaries you can
effectively express to someone why you are
declining something. Perhaps start with a
response such as “I can tell you what I can
do…” This is an indication that you will only go
so far. This response is also compromising,
meaning that you are willing to cooperate with
someone but only to a certain extent. “I can
definitely go hiking with you but I do not think I
can jog up the mountain.”
2. The Explanation
This “no” response is much more common in
people who do reject to do something or want
to get a point across to someone who is doing
something they do not agree with. By
explaining, you make it clear and
understandable why an action warrants a “no.”
This response is also great for children as it
also teaches them why not to do something.
“You shouldn’t pull the cat’s tail because he
may not like that and scratch you.”
3. The Honest “No”
Being honest not only feels good it gets you
where you want and need to be. An honest
response is a grateful response in any situation
for both the speaker and the listener. It is
definitely better than ignoring or forgetting
something. The more honest you are, the
easier it becomes to confidently stay honest.
Others also tend to react well to honesty.
For instance, if someone continues to ask you
out on a date but you do not desire to go, an
honest “no I’m sorry but thank you I am
flattered” can certainly get a point across. By
making positive remarks along with your
honest “no” you keep the situation from getting
too awkward.
4. The Creating
Laughter Humorous
The funniest way to say no is by throwing a
little humor into your response. Need an
example? Perhaps a friend asks you to go to
the park with them but you honestly just do
not feel like it. “I would go to the park with you
but the last time I went I was thrown out for
not sharing the slide at the playground.”
Hopefully they will see the joke in this and get
the message.
The humorous no means making your response
clear yet adding a brief story or something to
divert the heavy feelings that may come with
the negative response. It also lets the other
person know that you have no hard feelings
against them, rather you just prefer to avoid
something which they should understand.
5. The Next Time
Sounds Better “No”
Also a popularly way of saying no, “maybe next
time” is a good way to get out of a situation
that you may not want to be in at the moment.
Although this response can free you from a
present obligation, if you do not intend to do it
next time think of another way of saying no
lightly. An example includes “That sounds
great, but let me know if it happens again
another time and maybe I can get involved
then.” This is definitely a more comfortable
way of saying no especially if you cannot do
something at the moment that someone wants
you to do it.
6. The I Am Already
Busy “No”
You cannot help it if you are already busy with
something. It is best not to agree to do too
much that you cannot handle. Example
responses include “Sorry but I have to finish up
some things first. I do not think I will have the
time” work well. Remember to sound sure and
add a little firmness in your response or else
people will not take you seriously and keep
asking. Explain why something is important
and offer to do something on another day.
7. The Negotiators
This clever response is a great way to say no
without actually saying no. Have you ever
negotiated something before? You can
negotiate and bargain just about everything.
This tactic works well with adults and children
but is probably not a good response with your
For instance, maybe your partner wants to
watch an action flick but you would rather
watch a comedy. Responses such as “Okay,
let’s make a deal. I will watch the action flick
with you next time if you watch this comedy
with me first. Comedies have a little action in
them too and you can enjoy a good laugh with
me.” Not only do you get the point across, you
also reason with the other person, a smart and
witty way of getting out of something you
don’t want to do and maybe getting something
you do want.
8. The Uninterested
This response can be a tough one to express
without seeming too unconcerned with
someone else’s pursuits. You don’t want to
hurt the other person’s feelings by sounding
uninterested but you can definitely pass on
something that you just cannot see yourself
really enjoying. An example can be “I wish I
knew more about art, but unfortunately I have
just never really gotten into visiting art
This lets the other person know that you have
other interests and therefore you might not be
the person they should ask to accompany them
somewhere that would not be enjoyable for you
both. Not being able to enjoy something is
truly time consuming and perhaps not a good
way to make a connection with someone you
care for. How to get around this with children?
That is another story all together!
9. The Pleasant and
Complimenting “No”
“That is quite a delicious looking cake and
absolutely beautiful. Great job on baking it. I
would have a slice but unfortunately I am on a
diet!” This is a pleasant way of saying “thanks
but no thanks” and compliments the other
person while also maintaining peace. This
clever response is perfect during any situation
and keeps everything lighthearted and pleasant
between everyone.
Although saying no can be hard it does not
have to be. These clever ways of saying no,
are great ways for creating no hard feelings
and keeps the peace. Do not let negative
responses get to you too much. Turning
anyone down can create a bit of resentment
but let it go and keep on going .
You can only do so much to keep others happy
and only so much to keep yourself feeling
good. Whether speaking to a child, friend, or at
the work place, finding clever ways to say no
alters the energy in any given moment in a
positive way.
Do you have a clever way of saying no that
has worked well for you? Tell us in the
comments below.
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