Monday, 21 September 2015

13 Things You’ve Been Doing All Wrong

Do you feel like there’s something you’ve been
doing all wrong and don’t know what to
change or do about it? Sometimes, we’re under
the impression that we’re doing things right
even though we aren’t. Do you think you need
an alert to know what you’re doing wrong?
Here are the warning signs you’ve been waiting
for, the wake-up call you need.

The first step is detecting and identifying the
problem. Using this list, sit down and think of
what you’ve been doing wrong and what you
can do to improve the issue. Be aware that
resolving these points requires determination
and focus.

Next, go ahead and lay out a plan to solve the
issue so that the problem doesn’t occur again.
If you think about it, knowing that you’ve been
doing something wrong can be a blessing

Below are some of the things you’ve been
doing wrong all the time:

1. Communication

Communication, as you know, is really
essential and valuable in our communities.
Without communication, life would not be as
you know it today: the technology, civilization,
and advancement.
Communication has a lot of rules that we
should abide by. On one side of a conversation,
we should have a clear speaker that expresses
his ideas and thoughts effectively. On the other
hand, we need a great listener that doesn’t
interrupt a lot and listens closely and carefully.
Unfortunately, we don’t obey these rules
closely a lot of the times, creating arguments
and fights that could be avoided. It is as
simple as having each party do his part and
we will have better communications and less of
the arguing and disagreement.

2. Scheduling

Let’s ask ourselves a question and answer
honestly: Do we have our daily tasks and
activities scheduled, or do we just go with the
flow and do as much as we can each day?
Maybe on some days we have a good schedule,
and some other days we just let time pass by.
Scheduling is very important, as it allows us to
be more organized and accomplish things in a
faster, more effective manner to bring about
pleasing outcomes.
Start taking control of your life and prioritize
the various activities you have going in your
life. Believe it or not, this could be a struggle
for some people. But be determined to get
things done.
Some people are able to schedule their days,
but do it incorrectly, maybe not putting the
most important things first or misjudging what
the most important things are.

3. Waking Up

Have you ever hit the snooze button on an
alarm clock before you wake up completely and
get out of bed? I am pretty sure all of us have
tried it at least once recently. We are usually
under the impression that if we hit the snooze
button, we can sleep for an extra 10 or 15
minutes before going to work or school.
However, sleep experts have said that snoozing
provides low quality, broken sleep and causes
your body to start a new sleeping cycle that
you cannot complete.
So, if you thought that you would be getting
some more sleep and more energy to power
through your day, you could be wrong. In fact,
this could actually cause you to feel even more
lazy and sleepier later on. Try to be smart and
have the will to cut the habit. Do your best to
get up as soon as your first alarm goes off.
This might help you feel more awake
throughout the morning.

4. Breakfast

Are you a person that wakes up extra early in
the morning to make sure you get your
breakfast? You might have heard this a
thousand times or not heard it at all, but
breakfast is the most important meal of your
day. We commonly skip breakfast without
realizing it or fill ourselves up with a bad
breakfast. Doing this could lead you to have
low energy, headaches, or hunger later in the
day because you did not fuel your body with
correct nutrition early in the morning. Choose
your breakfast wisely and fill up with good
nutrition that will boost your energy and mood
throughout the day.

5. Morning Rush

Are you the type of individual that always finds
yourself rushing out the door every morning
because you have a lot to do and don’t have
time? Are your mornings hectic and busy even
before the day starts? One solution to reducing
morning stress is to take extra time every
night to prepare your lunch, clothing, or other
items that you know you’ll need. Or, wake up
earlier every morning to make sure you don’t
have to rush.

6. Not Making Use Of
Essential Time

What is one of the first things we do when we
wake up or arrive at work? Instead of making
good use of the morning, when we are
sharpest and alert and where our concentration
tends to be at its peak, we often spend this
precious time doing the least important tasks
of the day. We might even get distracted
with work chats, responding to unimportant
emails, and checking our social media outlets.
Why don’t we save these activities for when we
need a break or when our energy is on the low
side of the day? Start taking advantage of the
morning to finish some of the more important,
alert-requiring, and energy-demanding tasks.

7. Rewarding Yourself

Doing the wrong things in life can result in
unpleasant outcomes that tend to serve as a
lesson or a wake-up call. Similarly, we should
reward ourselves when it comes to doing the
right things to motivate ourselves and prepare
for success each day.
It can be tough to get out of bed in the
mornings, and this is lack of motivation.

Therefore, it is vital that we start off the day
with something we love to do in order to
improve and boost our mood. Starting your
day on a good note can happen as a result of a
20 minute stretching period, watching a few
minutes of your favorite morning show,
enjoying a delicious coffee, or listening to your
favorite music.

8. Not Stretching

Oh, stretching! Stretching does not have to be
something that you do just before exercising
and training. It is vital to do on a regular basis
every morning. No matter how many times we
bring it up, we cannot emphasize enough how
important this is.

There are many reasons why morning
stretching is praised, including improving
posture, reducing pain, helping to increase
blood circulation and energy, and (most
importantly) to prevent injury. As we know,
prevention is better than curing, so stretching
should be on the top of our to-do list every
day. It doesn’t take that much time at all!

9. Procrastination

Ever tried this act known as “procrastination”?
That means leaving an assignment, task, or
activity until the last moment. It could also
be postponing or delaying something. In this
busy world, we’ve all done it: we agree that we
will execute a certain task today, but end up
completing it just before the deadline.
To prevent procrastinating, perform a task as
soon as you are able to, and as far ahead as
possible. For example, let’s say you’re given a
math assignment due next week, and you’re
free today in the evening. Knowing that you
already learned the concept and understand it,
go ahead and start it (or even finish it) that
evening. It will reduce worry.

10. Not Hydrating

This is something we do not really take care of
or think about, but is surely something
important and vital to our health and
wellbeing. We have all heard about the fact
that drinking a lot of water is part of feeling
and looking well and healthy. Critical times to
hydrate include mornings, since your body is
fasting during the night and requires water as
well as other nutrients to start its metabolism.

Drinking water after waking up also boosts
digestion and that is why you might feel like
water clears your system.

11. Planning

Planning is related to scheduling and
organizing your day, yet is different than
scheduling. Scheduling is done for tasks that
have already been planned. So planning
precedes scheduling.
Planning is important, because without a plan
everything could easily fall apart.

Similarly, a
good plan of attack in the mornings could help
you gain control of your day and thus
contribute to getting more tasks done. All you
need is a few minutes the night before, or early
in the morning, to organize your day and have
goals set clearly.

12. Delaying Exercise

Exercise is such an important part of our lives
that we should always incorporate it, whether
we are home, outside, or even on a vacation
trip. One common misconception people have
is that to exercise, you need to go to a gym.

No you don’t, you can just run a few laps
around the house or do push-ups and sit-ups
inside the house.
If you find yourself delaying or postponing
exercise because you feel exhausted at the end
of the day, shift your exercise period to the
morning and start off your mornings fresh.

Exercising as long as 20 minutes is enough
every morning, and doing it every morning
guarantees that your exercise will get done
every day.

13. Allowing
Negativity To Get To

Negativity is something that, if believed and
implemented, could be disastrous in your daily
life. Sometimes negativity is disguised as the
only solution to a problem, where we think
there is absolutely no other way we can resolve
the issue. Building negativity over time not
only affects you, but also affects loved ones
and others around you.
Being surrounded by negative people could be
the worst. Do not surround yourself with
negative people that will make you unhappy
and bring you down, draining all the positivity
you possess. Ultimately it is up to you to allow
someone to get to you and cause you distress.
Sometimes it’s hard, but just try to be calm
and don’t let them do it.
There are numerous things we do wrong
and we don’t even notice it.

Sometimes we
even ignore red flags and signs that we are
headed for a fall. This is why we need to start
being proactive and unafraid to opening our
“case file” and “shred” the negativity that we
don’t want. Discarding a “corrupted file” could
end up benefiting us and allowing us to make a
U-turn for the better. Look for your errors and
correct them.

Now it’s your turn. What else have you been
doing wrong and how’d you fix it?

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